Friday, August 21, 2009

School (a place that is spelt with 2 O's)

Ello British people eating scones and sipping tea, I welcome you to my blog where you will read about my awesome possum life! As for the non-British people, um hi! Well seventh grade has started to lighten up, other than the fact I now have to learn to count to seven! (Yay) As most of you know I tried out for the volleyball team this week. After 5 minutes of practice, 7 bad serves, and a motivational speech from the kindergartners (aka my homies, we go way back man I mean every Sunday we get together and watch a winnie the pooh marathon then go to chucky cheese for pizza!) I managed to not make the team. However, a blind person could have predicted that! But a couple days ago when I was walking along the isles of the sock store I realized what my true talent was!!!!!!!!!! I'm gonna be a professional sock pairer, (other than the fact I don't EVER wear matching socks) But I don't see a problem I mean come on it can't be that hard!!!!!!!! Well today, in language arts to be exact, we had to write a story, not a long one but something long enough and so I decided to write about my 2 favorite subjects, elves and waffles!!!!!!!!! It was an absolute master piece!!!! However it's highly confidential and only martains(and possi, the plural of possum)can see. But I will share the highlights of the story. It's about Me, watching TV when all of a sudden a huge stack of waffles appears and then the unexpected happens THERE'S NO SYRUP!!!!!!!!!!! Oh no, I've said to much, I have to go before the martains come from Pluto (they're on vacation) to arrest me. In case I don't get to write another post I want to give my cat to Donald trump, someone please remind him that felines are your friends! Over and out, (ha ha I sound like a pro spy) secret agent BOB aka Maddie PEACE,EDWELLA,LOVE,AND SMILEYS =D =) =P =l

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