Thursday, January 1, 2009

HELLO 09!!!

Well, I hope everyone had a great new year!! 2008 was a huge year for me, and it went by so fast I mean one minute a teacher was lecturing me and then I was riding my bike and now I have 7 teachers lecturing me! Anyways... My hope is that 2009 will be a great year and hopefully not go by so fast... And this year my resultion is to reverse the aging process and dump a bucket of cheese on my chior teacher's head! I mean common what else are you going to do with old people and buckets of cheese? OH MOST IMPORTANTLY.... to live out my life long dream of starting my own pie factory and call it Maddies Smiley Pies INC. I JUST LOVE THAT NAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well I better get started I've got 500 boxes of pie to order!!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! PEACE,EDWELLA,LOVE,AND SMILEYS =D =) =P =l

my pie pro-toe-type

1 comment:

Jen S. said...

Funny post Maddie--Happy New Year to you too!
~Love, Aunt Jen