Thursday, January 22, 2009


What is it you ask? WHY AM I WRITING IN ALL CAPS?????? WELL I'LL TELL YOU WHY....... because today i found a website that had a holiday for every day on it!!!!! THATS 365 HOLIDAYS (unless it's a leap year, then it would be 366 days) but anyway today is National Answer Your Cat's Question Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wahooooooooo!!!!!! Now that i found this wonderful website, I want all of you to check it daily to see what holiday it is (and send me presents) !!!!! Here's this and last weeks line up.... ENJOY

January 19 is . . . . National Popcorn Day
January 20 is . . . . National Buttercrunch Day
January 21 is . . . . National Hugging Day
January 22 is . . . . National Answer Your Cat's Question Day and National Blonde Brownie Day
January 23 is . . . . National Handwriting Day, National Pie Day, and Measure Your Feet Day
January 24 is . . . . Eskimo Pie Patent Day
January 25 is . . . . Opposite Day
January 26 is . . . . Australia Day
January 27 is . . . . Punch the Clock Day
January 28 is . . . . National Kazoo Day, Clash Day, Rattle Snake Round-Up Day
January 29 is . . . . National Cornchip Day
January 30 is . . . . Escape Day
January 31 is . . . . National Popcorn Day and Child Labor Day


Anonymous said...

Well I measured my feet, now what do I do with the information???

Jen S. said...

Two things I must get soon, so I can celebrate... cornchips and a kazoo! Maddie, your post is soooo funny! I had no idea of the holidays for each and every single day! How have I lived so long without knowing?!!!
You crack me up!
Love, Aunt Jen
P.S. Have you seen Teddy's blog yet? If not, let me know and I'll send you his blog address!!
Miss you!

Anonymous said...