Friday, December 19, 2008


Ok well my cousin jeven, my aunt jen, and uncle steve are comming to arizona!!!! They should be here in a little bit just about 20 minutes, I hope they don't get in a camel crash!? Ok that was really random considering they're driving and not riding camels. In my book thats a good thing cuz ur butt can start to hurt if your riding on one!! Anyways I'm sooo excited And i want them to ring the doorbell so i can see if they brought a camel with them for christmas! I hope they did because i suddenly have a wanting for a camel! I mean why not!? You don't have to give them water everyday and he can take me to school to get me away from the evil BUS DRIVER!!!!!!! But the question is where would i park him??? The bike rack states That by law you cannot park Animals within 2 feet of the bikes!!! Oh well, MAYBE SANTA WILL BRING ME A CAMMEL!!!! I hope so and maybe an elf to clean up his "buisness" Anyways ......PEACE,EDWELLA,LOVE,AND SMILEYS =D =) =P =l

ME with a Cammel!!!!!!!

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