Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Fun times Of Maddie Voigt!

Well this summer a girl had to do what a girl has to do! HAVE FUN! I'm mean that's all we really want, is some fun, when the working day is done, oh girl's just wanna have fun. A little word of advice to my blog readers, If it's in a song, it's 100% true! This summer (summer Oh ten) (I find much pleasure spelling it that way....) I spent a lot of time doing things with my friends, things that you might describe as stupid, Idiotic, lame, sad, strange, awesome, and just downright amazing! It's mostly because I have the awesomest possumest people in the world as my friends, thus we're entitled to doing the awesomest possumest things ever! And you may be asking yourself, what could possibly be so awesome possum as to where it would even be considered awesome possum (I know, I don't get it either) Ok ok ok, I'll stop confusing all yall' and Show you the pretty pretty pictures of summer OH TEN!

Alicia opening a door!

Me, Abbie, and Bailey rollerblading!

Bailey eating her otter pop!

Alicia in front of a Gigantic doll house!

Abbie and Alicia in the huge doll house!

Alicia and I with our oh- so beautiful Drink hats!

We're nerds!

Drinking soda.... from hats, can it possibly get any better than this???!!

We toe-tal-e rock the nerd look!

On the little sctooter things in the mall!

Screw the bus, I'm taking this thing to school!

The Lego people we built! Under cover spies/doctors and lumberjacks!

Oh yes, you wish you looked this cool in joe jonas glasses!


Alicia riding on kennedy's bike!

Abbie and Bailey eating watermelon and fries!

Us, In barbie form!

uh............. yeah......

My collection of hand sanitizers that we're 100% paid for and not stolen!
Mall cops just have little faith in the future of America these days!


Kelly and I with Phillip Preston! :)

Abbie with her puppet finger man (whom which she adores!)

Abbie with a Justin Beiber poster that came with a Justin Beiber book.......

Much much much much maddie love,

1 comment:

*Lici* said...

OH MY GOOD GOLLY GOSH!!! This summer had to be one of the best! I can't believe we did some of these things! Oh that lovely couch! haha

long live lady gaga!!!! :0