Tuesday, August 31, 2010

whatta day!

Howdy to all yall' snazzy selves out there readin' this here blog! Well, today was an absolutely positively jolly day in the oh-so amazing life-o-me! As most of you intent readers know, I'm an eighth grader (applause applause), which just so happens to mean I'm officially allowed to have fun! YIPPIE KI YAY! While all those measly little 6th and 7th graders have to learn I get to enjoy my youth (during my free period) and mess around with my friends, and (technically) yes, we were allowed to run around in the halls and do stupid things because my a-lab teacher was stupid enough to allow ten kids to "work on the yearbook" (mess around in the school hallways), now, what exactly did we do, you ask? Well it can't be described in many words, however I can find to that are rather fitting.........HAVE FUN! Well lucky for all you diligent duckies, WE TOOK PICTURES! 
Maggie,Me,Abbie, and Isiah!

Us and our classic THUMBS UP poses....
Group shot expressing the joy and fun we are all flourishing with!
Chillen in the trash cans, I don't know how it gets better than this!(don't worry, they're clean!)
Us looking scared in front of the ISI room!
Uh, so why don't we lay on the floor, and you guys sit on the broken tables???????? shot!
Our way of "hiding"
Our "epically failed" jump shot......
I fell..............
So as you can see we just had the awesomest possumest time in A-lab today, but don't worry, we didn't do this for the fun and enjoyment of ourselves, we did it for the good of the yearbook! Now people will be able to look back and say, GEE, we had the strangest 8th graders in Aprende history!  But remember this (my sage words of advice) Being strange makes life more fun! (Because I'm almost positive all the other kids were stuck listening to a boring lecture while we ran around and fell in trash cans) (clearly, the trash cans win......) 
Much much much much Maddie lovin'

Thursday, August 19, 2010

My oh so amazing 8th grade life!

Hey all you jolly jellyfishes swimming through my Maddie sea! Guess what?! (no I didn't dominate the world.....yet) I'm now, officially an 8th grader! Now, I may not sound very excited about this beautiful event, but as I sit on my snazzy computer swivel chair I am Yippie Ki yaying my little possum lovin' heart out! Being an 8th grader means you can yell at the 6th graders and boss them around like little circus ponies! (especially the ones that look like lost puppies in the rain, those are the most fun to mess with) And when you talk to them they act as if they're talking to a Goddess (which I am, only because you automatically proclaimed one for having a blog as awesome as mine is) HOWEVER 8TH GRADE IS NOT AS JOLLY AS IT APPEARS! Usually I've had some AH-MA-ZAH-ING teachers, but this year all my teachers seem to have a secret "no fun" rule! And all I have to say about that is, HOW DARE THEY TAKE AWAY THE ONE THING THAT MOTIVATES ME TO COME TO SCHOOL (not including breakfast for lunch day) AND DEPRIVE MY (seemingly) FRAGILE AND INNOCENT SOUL FROM DEVELOPING SOCIAL SKILLS AND HAVING A JOYOUS TIME WHILE RECEIVING A VERY PRECIOUS AND HARD EARNED EDGUMACATION! Well okay, not all of them are bad, mainly my language arts and science teachers who I will call Mrs. Meanie face 1 and Mrs. meanie face 2. (how they're both Mrs.'s is no doubt the 8th wonder of the world) Mrs. Meanie face 1 is my language arts teacher who yells at us for answering questions (poor Ryan being a victim of her wrath, lord bless the poor boy) And is the type of person who just makes you want to go errrrrhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh in frustration! And then tell her that she should shut her yap before the big scary kid in time out in the back of the room (because it would be considered un lady like of me to tell her) super glues it shut for her! Not far behind on the Maddie hate list is teacher Mrs. Meanie face #2! Mrs. Meanie face #2 is very annoying for multiple reasons, one of them being she is very very strict! I understand wanting your students to be respectful, but would it kill you to smile for a second? Her meanie face does NOT make the classroom a jolly place! And the one that really bothers me is After every sentence she says she silently whispers Okay? to herself, as if she needs to reassure herself about what she's saying, I counted today and got a whopping total of 26 okays! It's almost as if she can't think in a continuous cycle! If that's the case, I fear the future scientists of America. But I really can't complain (even though I just did, but this is my blog and I can type whatever I want so PUT THAT IN YOUR OVEN AND BAKE IT) (ha ha h aha ha that was quite clever of me) Because 90% (and counting) of my friends are in my pod (NO NOT A GROUP OF WHALES) (it's a term used for grouping of classes) so My buds, AND BESTEST BUDDIE IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD LELLY NAUMANN are in my classes, and even though I have sucky teachers, I have the awesome possum power to make this year what I want it to be, and trust me, I will.

Much much much much much much Maddie loving,


Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Fun times Of Maddie Voigt!

Well this summer a girl had to do what a girl has to do! HAVE FUN! I'm mean that's all we really want, is some fun, when the working day is done, oh girl's just wanna have fun. A little word of advice to my blog readers, If it's in a song, it's 100% true! This summer (summer Oh ten) (I find much pleasure spelling it that way....) I spent a lot of time doing things with my friends, things that you might describe as stupid, Idiotic, lame, sad, strange, awesome, and just downright amazing! It's mostly because I have the awesomest possumest people in the world as my friends, thus we're entitled to doing the awesomest possumest things ever! And you may be asking yourself, what could possibly be so awesome possum as to where it would even be considered awesome possum (I know, I don't get it either) Ok ok ok, I'll stop confusing all yall' and Show you the pretty pretty pictures of summer OH TEN!

Alicia opening a door!

Me, Abbie, and Bailey rollerblading!

Bailey eating her otter pop!

Alicia in front of a Gigantic doll house!

Abbie and Alicia in the huge doll house!

Alicia and I with our oh- so beautiful Drink hats!

We're nerds!

Drinking soda.... from hats, can it possibly get any better than this???!!

We toe-tal-e rock the nerd look!

On the little sctooter things in the mall!

Screw the bus, I'm taking this thing to school!

The Lego people we built! Under cover spies/doctors and lumberjacks!

Oh yes, you wish you looked this cool in joe jonas glasses!


Alicia riding on kennedy's bike!

Abbie and Bailey eating watermelon and fries!

Us, In barbie form!

uh............. yeah......

My collection of hand sanitizers that we're 100% paid for and not stolen!
Mall cops just have little faith in the future of America these days!


Kelly and I with Phillip Preston! :)

Abbie with her puppet finger man (whom which she adores!)

Abbie with a Justin Beiber poster that came with a Justin Beiber book.......

Much much much much maddie love,

Where oh where did summer go?????

Hola All you fancy Flamingos! Sorry I haven't posted lately but my lame and frail typist finny was sick with the dreadful Plague thus I (being the amazing charitible,kind, loving and over all amazing person ever) Gave Finny a few weeks off to recover from her horrid sickness. However in Finnny's absence I decided that summer MUST go on, and with that I flew my self up to Montana to visit my Lovely dovely grandparents O' mine! Every year my grandparents set up this "summer camp" where we do a buttload of amazing activities in the course of 3 days! And as most of you know I enjoy amazing buttloads of activities very much so! Now, Reading about these is often considered a very fun thing, However I am a firm believer that one picture is worth a thousand words and I know that that's way more than Finny could ever type about one picture, so to help you soak in the joy and excitement of this magical trip, here are the pictures of my awesome possum time!

Me, Jeven, and Kennedy in the raft!

Me, Kennedy, and Jeven floating down the river like real Monatna River
Rafters in the moss covered area!

My super duper grandma!

This beautiful fish caught by my uncle Steve against the very festive
woodsy scenery.

Me with my snazzy fishing pole!

Uncle Steve Fly Fishing (with a huge lack of Fly involvement!)

Jeven Sticking her pole in the water.........

GREAT CAESAR SALAD! It's a loner duck!

The superfantastical pond filled with fish that hate me!

Kennedy and Jeven chillen in my grandparents beautiful backyard!

Tim and Joe with their Birthday cakes that we made!

Tim and Joe festively opening thier cards with a very stylish ballon boa that took me
a very long time to make!

Me with the apple bars we made!

My sock monkey Sheldon Chives on the Airplane! (I was so proud of my baby boy!)

As I can probably tell by the zealous look on your face that you enjoyed reading this, and your probably even a bit jealous of my amazing time, which you should be, and If your not then I suggest you receive some mental help! :)

Much much much maddie love,
