Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Friends, Videos, and everything in between, Must be a weekend!

ELLO BLOGGERS! Here is yet another indelibly exciting post! (you better hold on to your pants because they're about to be blown away it's so exciting) OK well this weekend I made TWO YouTube videos! Yes I know awfully exciting isn't it??!! I LOVE making videos so whenever I hang out with my friends that's usually what we do (that or steal things............... ha ha just kidding.......but seriously) Anyways well this past weekend I was really REALLY bored so I called up my friend Maggie and asked her to hang out, and you'll never guess what happened.........SHE SAID YES! I was so excited I jumped all the way to mars, said hello to all my amazing martain buddies, (it's strange, I didn't see my evil bus driver there......... oh wells serves her right!) But because gravity hates me and everyone else in the world It sent me hurdling down back to earth. And you may be asking, wouldn't you burn up in the atmosphere? or at the very least breathe in space? Why yes, Yes I would, if I were normal, which we all fairly know I am not. So once I hit earth and landed safely on a woolly mammoth in Africa I rode it all the way to Maggie's house where we made those lovely two videos! So enough typing a more watching. Here are the videos we made!

Here Is the "Today was a Fairytale" Music video by Taylor swift. And yes I had to be the boy in the video............ But it's still a pretty rocking video if you ask me.

Here Is our other video known as "the gerbil" It's kind of supposed to be actiony, but it is about a gerbil, and I have to admit we didn't have the story line, nor any kind of budget for super cool explosions or fake blood, oh darn!

Well I hope yall enjoyed my videos, and if you would like to see more you can stop by or

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey - Maddie Thanks for sharing your videos. What a treat - do you know that the people who received awards at the Oscars said they started making videos when they were in 6th and 7th grades. Thanks for the treat. G&G in MT