Friday, November 28, 2008

My awsome thanksgiving weekand

I know all my adoring blog fans would just love to hear about......... My thanksgiving!!!! Like every year, I always get up early and hop on my private jet to go to italy for a gormet meal, shopping, and of course i end up seeing one of my good friends! Well, on this paticular trip i saw my awsome friend OPRAH who had just come back from shooting her new movie Oprah The evil zombie 2! And guess who was sitting next to her at the restraunt, Rachel ray!!! We had so much fun talking about our tv shows and what not! I managed to squeze into the picture... and it was even in an awsome magazine!!!! so yeah, just a typical thanksgiving for me!

Oprah,rachel and me eating our gormet meals in Italy!

There's us featured in an upcomming issue of Best friends Mag!
i just love their photographer, he always gets my good side!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


ok so it's wendsday and i love wensdays cuz they always turn out to by "blah" days so here i am typing anyways i have no school tomarrow, wich i have to say i enjoy very much. AND it was rainy wich are the funnest (because water falls from the sky) and my bus driver is cranky, wich makes it all the more fun on the bus! Once she yelled at me for talking and then i got to question her why it was bad behavior. So then we're left with writing help on the windows with our erasers or stick signs to the windows saying "help us ". I dunno why but one time my naighbor joeseph had gum and the bus driver said she found gum wrappers under his seat, but the thing was he has the knid of gum that had like 100 pieces in the conatiner they come in WITHOUT WRAPPERS!!! and when he was going to show her she said "i don't want to see it" and the she wrote him up! But my favorite was the time when she said she found chicken bones under my seat and i got into a 10 minute argument with her on how i DIDN'T EAT FRIED CHICKEN ON THE BUS!!!! Seriously why would someone eat fried chicken on the bus?? So as you can see rainy days are really funny! We always want to see what crazy thing she'll blame us for next! As you can see rainy days are the best days to tick off your bus driver!!!! PEACE, evil bus drivers, EDWELLA,LOVE,AND SMILEYS =D =) =P =l

Monday, November 24, 2008

twilight review???!!!! I HEART EDWELLA

Ok so i saw twilight twice......... I'M NOT OBSESSED!!!!!!! ok well i guess i am it was sooooooo awsome the acting kinda sucked but edward was awsome so it didn't really matter!! Bella was played by kritsen stewart who wasn't the worlds best bella but she was very bella like. AND EDWARD was played by Robert pattingson who stared in HARRY POTTER a few movies back in the goblet of fire. And kristen was in the movie ZATHURA so at least i knew the actors!!! anyways i'm on eclipse the 3rd book and i am just lovin it sooooo much!!!! I hope my cuz jeven is reading it and if not my aunt jen!!!! well i am turning out to be a big twilight fan!!! By the way movie new moon will be out this summer I CAN'T WAIT but for now.......PEACE,LOVE,edwella,AND SMILEYS =D =) =P =l

Friday, November 21, 2008


Tonight at exactly 7:45 i will see twilight and i just can't wait, i'm sooooo excited!!!!! i read the book and loved it (almost as much as i love my cat) I'm thinking of couple names right now it's between Edwella and Belward i like edwella better!!! i'm sooo happy ok well i'll tell you my review for the movie soon but for now i think i'll stop jumping up and down!!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

ARE YOU READY??????????????

Ok people i wanted to do somthing fun so i thought and slept and watched icarly and then it hit me!!!!! It hurt when it did but it's the coolest thing for all my blog buddies. I'm doing an internet scavenger hunt!!! Now find pictures of the items below and email me at and the first person to have all the pictures of what i requested will win an awsome prize. (picture shown below)

ok here are the items.......

1. pizza

2. monkey holding a banna

3. a banna phone

4. a peace sign

5. a dog on a trampoline

good luck i hope you win the prize!!!!

the oh-so-awsome prize is a crumbled chip bag!!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

another Blah like day

As some have noticed wich only the people who check my blog may notice if you notice that my blogs name is The Weekly blahs of maddie. Any way today was a blah day meaning "it was a good day and sure i may feel the need to tell you about it if i feel like typing." Well it's your lucky day because somehow the computer called my name saying "maddie update your blog" and someone told me the computer knows everything so i didn't argue because it must have know my weekness of not going on the computer. So i will now proceed to tell you about my day. So Wahooooo!! it's wensday so i get out of school early wich is nice (yeah it is, no really it is)!!! so i went outside to play football with my dad when my naighbor jake (who is sometimes awsome because Monday he only said hi to me once so that makes him sometimes awsome) came and played too. I spent most of the time blocking him and of course he still got a touchdown. But i have to admit he is a better player than me. so thats what happened and now enjoy a picture of a peguin eating ice cream!!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


as most know it's veterans day!!! wich means NO SCHOOL!!!!but that shouldn't be the only reason to celebrate beacuse eventhough we are thankful for no school, we should thank them for fighting for our rights. so today take time to turn off the computer and tv and have a moment of silence,or call and thank family,friends, and naighbors who fought for our country.



OK well not to long ago the channel 5 road show came to my school and we had so much fun here's the video link. Just click on the first video and thats us it should say KYRENE APRENDE!!! it's hard to see me but im in the back next to the girl in the blue jacket (thats skylar) anyways check it out send it to people who enjoy random kids waving in science class. PEACE,LOVE,AND SMILEYS =D =) =P =l