Where Oh Where Did my Braces Go?!
Hilo! (high and hello mixed together, is that genius or what?) *I shake you warmly by the hand and greet you excitedly* Well blog readers O' mine, this is a very JOLLY, AMAZING, SUPERCALIFRADGILISTICXPALIDOSHOUS, SHOCKING, FLABBERGASTING, HYPERVENTILATION WORTHY, SUPER AWESOME POSSUM POST ON MY BLOG............. DO YOU KNOW WHY? *imaginary drum roll in the background building the anticipation inside your shaking body!* I, MADDIE VOIGT, NO LONGER HAVE BRACES! Yup, it's true, no more getting stuck to the refrigerator as I walk by smiling, no more construction workers asking for some scrap metal, little kids sticking their play dough covered hands in my mouth trying to yank them off, no more getting asked to please step aside at airport security as I nonchalantly walk through the metal detectors, no more lying to the orthodontist about not having had any popcorn, soda, Carmel, or candy (he he sucker!) No more "accidentally" scraping people with my braces as they "accidentally" hit me in the face,(oh how I will miss it all very much so *tear*) the way I see it, the only real trade off here is that If I ever get stuck on a deserted island I can't point my teeth toward the sun to get airplanes attention! OH DERN! Well I suppose that's enough talk and it's time for the main event PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *wild cheers and applause of my millions of adoring fans in the background*
My lovely self with braces, the before picture...........

AFTER! MY (even lovelier self) WITHOUT BRACES!

My braceless face!

Look at that million dollar smile! (heh heh, well that's not what my
parents paid but, but, uh, I guess they got their money's worth)
Yay! Now my teeth look pretty! Crap, now I need a new life goal, (well other my dream to one day to own a world class possum farm!) Well, if you have any ideas for new life goals, Leave a comment! (comments about my lovely smile are also accepted :) )
-Maddie :)
I totally agree that you have a lovely smile! (I thought you had a lovely smile WITH braces too though!)
You look very pretty Maddie and I'm very happy for you!
Aunt Jen
Maddie sometimes i don't even reconize you! you look so beautiful with your pretty new teeth!!!! keep smiling big!!!!
Lici ;)
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