ROLLER DURBY! (oh yeah!)
Greetings blog readers! How was your weekend, YOU KNOW WHAT WHO CARES BECAUSE I KNOW MINE WAS A WHOLE LOT BETTER THAN YOURS! Yes, that's right, not to be rude or anything but because this is MY BLOG I am allowed to say things like that, and if you don't like it, well, then maybe you should start your own blog addressing the awesomeness of your weekend and your personal feelings I just now crushed with my (so called) rude comment! Well, until then, This weekend My daddy took my sister and I to a little amazing thing called THE ROLLER DERBY but not just the roller Derby it was THE WOMEN'S ROLLER DERBY! For those of you losers out there who don't know what that is I suggest you get a life! Roller Derby is when a whole bunch of tough people skate around and try to kill each other! (what a beautiful sport) But unlike roller derby, WOMEN'S ROLLER DERBY is where a whole bunch of tough WOMEN skate around and try to kill each other (even more beautiful!) So as you can see I'm pretty hyped up about this, and you know what makes me super hyped................. PICTURES OF WOMEN SKATING AROUND TRYING TO KILL EACH OTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One of them teams in the derby, they were called THE BEATERS!

This team of lovely athletes are pirates, HOW CLEVER!

The pirate team in action!

Here's a shot of the track, sadly it wasn't banked
(which means less speed and player injury)
Well, as you can see, my Saturday night pretty much rocked, not that yours could even compare to mine but, HOW WAS YOUR WEEKEND???!!!!!
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