Monday, April 12, 2010

ROLLER DURBY! (oh yeah!)

Greetings blog readers! How was your weekend, YOU KNOW WHAT WHO CARES BECAUSE I KNOW MINE WAS A WHOLE LOT BETTER THAN YOURS! Yes, that's right, not to be rude or anything but because this is MY BLOG I am allowed to say things like that, and if you don't like it, well, then maybe you should start your own blog addressing the awesomeness of your weekend and your personal feelings I just now crushed with my (so called) rude comment! Well, until then, This weekend My daddy took my sister and I to a little amazing thing called THE ROLLER DERBY but not just the roller Derby it was THE WOMEN'S ROLLER DERBY! For those of you losers out there who don't know what that is I suggest you get a life! Roller Derby is when a whole bunch of tough people skate around and try to kill each other! (what a beautiful sport) But unlike roller derby, WOMEN'S ROLLER DERBY is where a whole bunch of tough WOMEN skate around and try to kill each other (even more beautiful!) So as you can see I'm pretty hyped up about this, and you know what makes me super hyped................. PICTURES OF WOMEN SKATING AROUND TRYING TO KILL EACH OTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One of them teams in the derby, they were called THE BEATERS!

This team of lovely athletes are pirates, HOW CLEVER!

The pirate team in action!

Here's a shot of the track, sadly it wasn't banked
(which means less speed and player injury)

Well, as you can see, my Saturday night pretty much rocked, not that yours could even compare to mine but, HOW WAS YOUR WEEKEND???!!!!!


Friday, April 9, 2010

Where Oh Where Did my Braces Go?!

Hilo! (high and hello mixed together, is that genius or what?) *I shake you warmly by the hand and greet you excitedly* Well blog readers O' mine, this is a very JOLLY, AMAZING, SUPERCALIFRADGILISTICXPALIDOSHOUS, SHOCKING, FLABBERGASTING, HYPERVENTILATION WORTHY, SUPER AWESOME POSSUM POST ON MY BLOG............. DO YOU KNOW WHY? *imaginary drum roll in the background building the anticipation inside your shaking body!* I, MADDIE VOIGT, NO LONGER HAVE BRACES! Yup, it's true, no more getting stuck to the refrigerator as I walk by smiling, no more construction workers asking for some scrap metal, little kids sticking their play dough covered hands in my mouth trying to yank them off, no more getting asked to please step aside at airport security as I nonchalantly walk through the metal detectors, no more lying to the orthodontist about not having had any popcorn, soda, Carmel, or candy (he he sucker!) No more "accidentally" scraping people with my braces as they "accidentally" hit me in the face,(oh how I will miss it all very much so *tear*) the way I see it, the only real trade off here is that If I ever get stuck on a deserted island I can't point my teeth toward the sun to get airplanes attention! OH DERN! Well I suppose that's enough talk and it's time for the main event PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *wild cheers and applause of my millions of adoring fans in the background*
My lovely self with braces, the before picture...........

AFTER! MY (even lovelier self) WITHOUT BRACES!

My braceless face!

Look at that million dollar smile! (heh heh, well that's not what my
parents paid but, but, uh, I guess they got their money's worth)

Yay! Now my teeth look pretty! Crap, now I need a new life goal, (well other my dream to one day to own a world class possum farm!) Well, if you have any ideas for new life goals, Leave a comment! (comments about my lovely smile are also accepted :) )

-Maddie :)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Amazing journey songs and Blizzards, OH YEAH!

Oh, hello, I did not see you there! Welcome to my blog, and this amazing post, about my awesome life. You know why my life is so awesome? Because Thursday was my blizzard party! My academic lab collected the most box tops in the whole school so as a reward we got BLIZZARDS (from dairy queen of course) For all of the losers that don't know what a blizzard is (in fact, if you d on't even know what a blizzard is you have no right to be on my blog!) Blizzards are cups of frozen heaven, mine just happened to taste like reeseces peanut butter cups! Who ever wrote that song was so right, heaven is definetly a place on earth!( I just don't think they intended that it was at a dairy queen) So as my A-lab recived our frozen cups of heaven, my teacher turned on the glee version of don't stop believing, which just happens to be one of my favorite glee remakes (I like to copy the girl's high pitched voice because I can imitate her pretty well) Now as many of you know, sugar can take quite it's toll on the human body. It can make kids into little bottle rockets that shoot off in an instant and once they do, they can't be stopped. Well, imagine 30 little bottle rockets going off while singing down stop believing at the top of their little rocket lungs, this my friends, was my academic lab! Now you may be asking, HOW THE HECK IS THIS EDUCATIONAL? Well, your right, it's not. But it was a crapload of fun! In fact, because we were shooting our schools testing motivational video (the theme was pretty AMAZING) I got to be in it, so when they asked us to lipsing the song..... well let's just day I was the only one really into it, but you know me, it's almost truley expected I do something like that on a day to day basis! well, I suppose it's time to go, toodle-oooo for now! PEACE,EDWELLA,LOVE,AND SMILEYS =D =) =P =l


Ello my amazing blog readers, thanks for stopping by on this lovely April day! But do you know why April 4th is so fantastically lovely and jolly??!!!!! IT'S EASTER! The magical holiday where a two foot fall bunny hops all around the globe hiding eggs full of various brands of fattening candy! Oh, and it's also my mommies birthday (sadly, my mom has to share her special day with a bunny...)! I would tell you how old she's turning, but I'd like to keep my head intact so I won't! And because today is Easter I decided to set up a scavenger hunt for my mom that would lead her to her presents! (pretty ingenious of me, right?) Now I have to admit, the clues did rhyme, most mentioned bunnies, and my mommy got her workout in for the day! In the end however, the clues led her to her present, which just so happened to be under her bed! Kennedy and I were feeling creative and decided that we would put her present in an Easter basket (to go with the Easter theme and all) And filled it with a picture of us, a candle, Dots, and some kind of cinnamon candy I temporarily forgot the name of, sorry for the inconvenience, I am 13 you know, my childhood memories are slowly slipping away.......... *tear rolls down Maddie's face* Anyways, she seemed to really like it so I'd say it was not a total epic failure! After that well actually before that, we went to church! Then after that we went to a brunch at a very nice hotel and let me tell you one thing, THEY HAD SOME PRETTY SNAZZY CHICKEN FINGERS, if I do say so myself! Man those things were good! Well, other than eating some snazzy chicken, going on a jolly scavenger hunt, and celebrating my mommies birthday, my day was pretty sundayish, the way most Sundays should be! Okay, I suppose it's time to skip merrily to the mailbox to drop off my netflix movies, so in the meantime, DON'T EVER STICK YOU HAND IN A PONIES MOUTH, EVER!