My first track meet!!!!!!
Yay! It finally came, MY FIRST TRACK MEET! I was so excited yesterday I wanted to puke! But thankfully I refrained from doing that........ ha ha Ok, but I was still amazingly excited and I have to admit, a bit nervous. My allergies have been acting up lately and today I lost my voice a little because my throat has been hurting too over the past couple days, I'm thinking it was because I cut milk out of my diet...... I know what your thinking OMG MADDIE WITHOUT MILK????!!!!!!!! HOW DID SHE SURVIVE?????? Well I tell you it wasn't easy. It took all my self control not to ask the lunch lady for a white milk (I dislike chocolate milk) and steer clear of the fridge but I did it! So you can see I wasn't in the best conditions to run, with my allergies and throat hurting but I grabbed some cough medicine and went for it. For the meet my events were 75 meter Hurdles, The 400 (for those of you who don't know track terms, one lap around the track) and a 4x1 relay. My first event was hurdles and I was kinda scared by the altidania (or however you spell it) girls because 1. they were all taller than me, and 2. there were 130 of them!!!!(they have 270+ total, we have about 200 total) , that's almost my whole track team!!!!!!!!!! Apparently they're a really tough team to beat, so let me ask one question WHY THE HECK DID WE HAVE TO GO AGAINST THEM MY 1ST MEET???!!!!!!! They totally just crushed my self esteem!!!!!! (ha ha just kidding) So In hurdles I had to start from the starting blocks (that I've never even seen before) and so I felt like I was going to fall, what a great way to start a race????!!!!! Anyways I managed to get out of the blocks (successfully) and began my race. Now my hurdle form is no where near perfect, but being very new to them I'd say I'm pretty good. So I jumped over the first, second, and third hurdles and that's when I realized OH CRAP, I'M GOING TO LOOSE! However I did manage to come in 2nd to last! Yay?? But at least I wasn't last, right?! Ok so after that I got some cool down time and watched my friend Abbie do her 100 race and Kelly do high jump, which was really cool to see, and made me realize how talented my friends really are! Ha ha ha ha ha! But then it was time for Relays, yet another event I'm no good at. :) My team was me (I started) my friend Maddi, and two eighth graders named Emma and Jenna. Well In this race I also had to start from blocks, Ha ha I hate those things......... Ok so I started off great in the race, I had my arms pumping, my legs um.......moving.........ok I should just say I'm sprinting. Ok so I get down to the hand off place and there's someone who's NOT MADDI IN MY LANE! It was a girl named Teryn, who is from aprende but not from my relay team! So I was All confused and after about 7 seconds of standing around asking why she was there I just gave her the stick and let her run. In other words we lost. It turns out, they switched my team last second and didn't even tell me, GEE THANKS! I can't even tell you how mad I was! So my first relay race was an EPIC FAILURE! And my 400 race was no better! OK can I say one thing...... I HATE 400's! I honestly have no idea how to pace my self. Don't know if I should sprint half or run half, for all I know I should've had an ice cream sandwich in my mouth! I started from the blocks, again.....Sigh, looks like I'm going to be seeing those blocks a lot............. So I was in my blocks and feeling confident, I hear the On your mark, from my coach Cynthia, SET, and I raise my self up, and seconds go by and NO GUN! Apparently the gun wouldn't fire, and so i set my self down (because crouching like that is incredibly uncomfortable!) and what do you know THE GUN FIRES! I was kinda behind so I started sprinting and by the time I was halfway around the track, I wanted to die. I wanted to just fall over and die. But of course, I have to be smart and keep running! I started to slow down and then I heard foot steps behind me and thought OH NO! THERE'S NO WAY YOUR GONNA WIN! I was NOT going to finish last! NO WAY! So all of a sudden I found some energy and tried my hardest to finish and I did. Not First place but certainly not last! So I guess you could say I was kinda proud. Anyways I think yall have had enough of me talking so it's picture time!!!!!!! So here are the pictures from my very first track meet!
Me walking over to the hurdles with abbie!
Look at me go! I look like I'm flying.....
Me (on the left of the orange cone) Getting ready formy race!
Me, still getting ready!
Me putting my game face on.............. Haha
Getting ready for my 400?
Look at me in the blocks! I look like a PRO! Ha ha don't be fooled!
Me after my 400. It may not look like it but I wasso hard I couldn't even talk, that's ok though because at least I could smile!
Me after my race in my Aprende uniform!Ok well I'd say my first track meet was a sucess. I learned a lot and I know what to expect now which I think will really help me in my next race! (well, Hopefully) I've got miles to go, but I'm going to have fun getting there!
Go Maddie Go What a treat to hear about your first track meet. I am sure the next time you will feel more comfortable and know what to expect. Sorry to hear you have been sort of sick - I am sure that did not help. Wish we could have been there. Love You - Grandpa and Grandpa
Woot woot 4 maddie!!!! Yeah! i'm glad to see your enjoying track as much as i did last year! it is relly fun! i hope you have a great season! kick butt maddie!!!!!
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