Ello to all my fellow bloggers and blog readers out there! This is my blog (as if you didn't know) Where I write about what's going on in my awesome possum life, or what's on my little maddie mind. I wouldn't say It's your ordinary blog, but who needs to be ordinary in a world as cool as this?! So sit back in that snazzy swivel chair of yours and check it out, you won't be dissapointed!

Friday, March 19, 2010
The mall, insanely amazing pizza, track, and cleaning
Yup, you heard right, it's spring break! Now for most kids that means partying, friends, and plenty of sleep! I mean kids across America aren't even waking up until 2:00 in the afternoon! All except me....... I mean you know it's spring break when you text your friends at 8 in the morning and don't get a response until 4:00! Luckily my friends are smart and wake up at around noon! So as far as spring break goes, mines been jam packed with awesomeness! The first two official days were spent at the mall, yes the mall, the only place you can see rent-a-cops on segaways, get free air conditioning, buy gum balls from a sneaker store, wave hi to the eater bunny, try on pretty dresses, see a lady fall down an escalator, have 3 people sit in a vibrating chair, fail to get free popcorn, buy gigantic bows and owl themed jewelry, follow a gurney, get free lemonade and lip gloss(with proof of ID of course), and buy 20 cookies for 5 dollars! Sounds like heaven right, well if milk and waffles had been involved it would have been! The first day at the mall was by far the best! We spent most of it just walking around looking for something two do when I spotted to men with a gurney down stairs and had a sudden urge to follow it! when it stopped we saw a an old frail lady sitting on a chair who was kinda bloody. It was pretty scary but strangely amusing. The lady turned out fine, she was able to talk and walk so that was just jolly! The second day wasn't nearly as exciting as the first but it was still pretty swell! We like the first day just aimlessly wandered around, until we went into Claire's. My buddie Abbie was buying some colorful (and very very) overpriced bobby pins, when we saw that these two girls tried to steal something! The girls looked pretty scary (the kind you would expect to steal something, however i'm not someone to judge!) So we kinda just left the store after that because i'm pretty sure they would have busted us up! So the next day my homie Alicia invited me to go to hang out with her and her parents, in which I was like OH YEAH! So once again we went to the mall (sigh) but it was pretty fun! We were there for about an hour then left for lunch at one of my favorite restaurants GRIMALDI'S! The place has the best pizza EVER! If marrying pizza were legal, I'd be walking down the isle right now! After that we went and got ice cream! AWESOME ICE CREAM! It was some pretty awesome possum ice cream! So besides roaming the mall and eating Today and yesterday I went to track practice! I know, Icky right?!!! I practiced my slightly suckish hurdling and actually improved a lot so I'm pretty happy about that.......except for today! Today I came to track with a side ache and it only goes down hill from there! During one of my practice races, my bestest buddie lelly tripped over her hurdle and because I was behind her I got scared and fell over my hurdle and basically face planted on the dirt track (because my school is lame and won't buy us a sponge track) and just about killed myself (in other words I got scraped up on my hands and knees) and so being myself, I sat up and started laughing (I laugh instead of crying, it's better for the soul) and at that point I guess the other hurdlers were pretty confused, so was I until I looked down and saw my knees and hands gushing blood (more like sprinkling ha ha) like there was no tomorrow! Heck I lost so much blood I passed out (blinked) and woke up in a bath tub with my pet panda (pita) Ha ha just kidding! Well, anyways the rest of practice pretty much sucked considering my fatal injury (they offered me a band-aid, but I was like NO MAN showing off my grill and being my gangsta self!) and my side ache! So I guess you could say my spring break has it's ups and downs, like a kick butt roller coaster with not just one, but two upside down loops! (yeah I went there!) OH M GHEE! It's time to feed the garden gnome, (otherwise he gets cocky, and we all know there's nothing worse than a cocky lawn ornament!
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Heheh!!!!! You even included the giant bow!!!! hahaha!!! My mommy is making me return it!!! I'm glad you had a fun time with me on Wed!!! I had a great time with you!!!
Sounds like you had a pretty fun Spring Break...except for when you fell :( Glad you are ok!!!
Miss you Maddie!
Aunt Jen
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