Friday, April 17, 2009

Well hello! wow it's been a long time since i posted so let me tell you what's been going on! Well yesterday i got to see a heart disection. (it was really cool, however some found it to be very gross.......................... i was not included in the"some") It was aweosme and the guy disected it in front of us and everything! He showed us the 4 chambers of the heart, the valves, and well everything! But the coolest part BY FAR was when he let us hold it! (and of corse i did) it felt like rubber in a very random way. And although i was Very pleased with touching a real heart, my awesome day continued at lunch! We (we being my friends kelly and abbie ) went against 10 other boys in basketball (however some boys were on our team) and we played as usual and i tend to make 1 or 2 baskets regularly when we play but today a miricle happened. My friend kelly passed me the ball at half court and of course i wasn't exactly prepared so not even 2 seconds after i got the ball a huge herd of people came rushing torward me and i panicked. I put the ball over my head and chucked it at the basket (in a way that normally always misses) but to my suprise IT WENT IN. I was shocked and everyone just stood there yelling and cheering. That had to be the most amazing shot in the world! Well i hope today will be just as awesome as yesterday! HOPE YOU ALL HAVE A SUPER DUPER WEEKAND!PEACE,EDWELLA,LOVE,AND SMILEYS =D =) =P =l

1 comment:

*Lici* said...

hahah that was cool when u made the basket. YOU NEVER MENTION MY NAME IN THESE POSTS! ITS ALWAYS KELLY AND ABBIE. Its like I didn't exsist! Mehhh