Monday, April 15, 2013


As most of ya'll know, Prom is right around the corner. But as my date flew off to LA to work on his new movie, The Great Gastby, Callan managed to take me to Prom over the weekend. From the second he stuttered "Prom?" In his aussie accent I nearly fainted. In fact, the whole night was mostly me fainting. (I just loved the way he would pick me up off the ground and stroke my hair as the paramedics stood by) Anyway, Here are the photos from our fabulous night. Much Much Much Much Maddie Love, Maddie :)

Callan asked me to Prom. :) Don't mind my bald spots, I was having a bad hairday.
Because Callan spent all his money on my gerogous one of a kind prom dress he couldn't afford a limo so we
simply called in our friend bumblebee to drive us.

My friend Marty and I at prom. He played until we were OUTTA TIME. (hahah get it) 

This is the photo we'll show our children someday. Man I look hawt.


The Life of a Star Blogger.... Is Rough.

Since a recent discovery, or rather act of punishment on my poor soul, my blog as risen to it's golden age. A time of prosperity, creativity, and mortification on my behalf. It is my self proclaimed "adoring" fans that push me to continue on in the documentation of my humiliating and overall boring life.... weekly. I'm still the 5'4 (Yes, STILL) weird looking girl that wears excessive amounts of purple and sings hannah montana daily. I've just gotten a heck of a lot better at hiding it. In which case, you should all be grateful. I'm a hot mess.

I'd like to think that I can someday we can all put this behind us and realize that there is no help for me, I'm literally stuck this weird forever. *please take a moment to pray for the man who ends up marrying me* Actually, I take that back. Who wouldn't want a slice of maddie pie? (this would be the part where you all raise your hands and I storm out of the room offended) I would like to personally thank you all for making me even more of a loser than I already am, as I lay in bed at ten thirty in complete darkness twisting my legs in an awkward position in order to keep the computer from falling on my face as I type. (Blogging accidents are NOT covered by my insurance plan.....My dad's cheap like that) Anyway, I just spent twenty minutes of my incredibly purposeful life photo shopping a few photos for you all... but because the website decided they were too controversial for the Internet, they must be postponed until another post. Until then,

 Much Much Much Much Maddie Love, Maddie :)

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

I hate you all.

Shout out to Miles, Ridge, Madi, Tara, Jacob, and Jenna. Ya'll suck.
Much Much Much Much Maddie Love, Maddie :)

Saturday, January 5, 2013

I'm Back.... Again.

Hola bloggers. (Now that I am in Spanish 1-2 I feel much more comfortable greeting you in Spanish) However, unless we're talking about the beach, skiing, school supplies, or or going to the bathroom I'm as good as any old white man who indulges on the occasional taco bell burrito. For those of you wondering, school is going well. Sophomore year hasn't turned out to be quite the way I imagined it, or rather wanted it to be, but it still finds it's ways to put a smile on my face. I mean, I go to a public school, the kids are all weirdos and smell like pizza hut. (not like I'm *cough* a weirdo but there's no denying the pizza hut..) However, I do very much appreciate the weirdos, because let's face it, a school is only as fun as the freaks who dance in the hallways and the teachers who attempt to make pop culture jokes about Justin Beiber. And now that I'm a Sophomore and officially (as in legally with documented proof)  a licensed 16 year old. Amazing how time flies. I mean, it feels like only two months ago I was listening to Hannah Montana on full volume in my room.  (don't worry, she sounds much better on the car radio) :)Well, that way my attempt at making a joke, Ya'll can probably tell I'm kind of rusty.

To all my adoring fans reading this, (all 2 of you) I wish you a very happy new year filled with plenty of awkward elevator rides, hours wasted on watching keeping up with the kardashians, and several more moderately annoying Adele songs. :)

 Much Much Much Much Maddie Love, Maddie :)

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Cousin time inTEXAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WHUSSSSSSUUUUPPPPPPPPPPPPPP to all you bashful baboons out there. I just got back from TEXAS, and as you can probably tell by the title, I'm very excited about it. You should all know, (or rather beware) of my "mild" obsession with all things cousin related. I view them as a cross between brothers and sisters, best friends, and possible kidney doners! Not that I plan on needing a kidney in the future, but you know, it's nice to be able to sleep at night in assurance.

The trip began where it normally does, an airplane. Kennedy and I flew into Dallas at around 9 am (a result of the horrid two hour time change, and our seven o clock flight.) And were promptly picked up at the airport by two memebers of the lovely grant family (Jerri and Sarah) and Jeven. From the secons we hopped in the car, I'm almost postitive the smile on my face remained toothy and creepy the entire trip. And so, in an effort to spread the texas cheer amoungst my fellow bloggers, here are some photos from the trip. Much Much Much Much Maddie Love, Maddie :)

Monday, July 2, 2012

SUMMER 2012 (it's about time i posted something again)

Wow it's been quite sometime since I've graced you all with my presence on this url (that much needs a name change) Oh my how time flies and people change. As for me, I've recently completed my freshman year, and have a moderdately impressive GPA as well as experience to show from it. In all honesty, it flew by. I can't believe i'm a sophmore, it seems that i'm growing up faster than I realize. I'm excited for all the new things that await me this year, and blessed to have had such a great first year at corona. I've made so many new friends, and strengthed my realatonships with so many people who have given me some pretty great memories. This year, i got invloved in Drama, track, and unity club. (as well as the attempted mock trial) And i've taken a lot away from them. Mainly puking and running (as track consumed much of my time) but oh well, life goes on.

Well, summer has come and allowed me to sleep 9 or more hours a day, for which I am greatful. I spend lots of my time on the internet, reading for school, and hanging out with my friends these days. ( a stereotypical summer in the modern world)

Here are a few pictures of what I've been up to....

Me, My dad and kennedy after completing the PF changs rock and roll half marathon in san diego.

Us in the pool

My friend Jenny and I enjoying some ice cream. (jenny's a bit too excited)

I took health over the first 3 weeks of summer (to get the credit out of the way)
These are my table members erin, ashely and michelle whom I had a blast with.

Piper, jenny and I decided to have a spa day..... the results remain inconclusive wheather it was a success or not...... :)

Much Much Much Much Maddie Love, Maddie :)

Saturday, October 29, 2011


Hola to all my insane imus out there! It's been a while, hasn't it? Well, I'm back, and moderatley better than ever. This whole highschool thing is REALLY time consuming, who knew?! But I decided to share a bit of my highschool happenings with you all, as I have come to enjoy them very much. So about a week ago I attened the very prestigous (but not really) CDS Bonifre! And lemme just say one thing, IT.WAS.EPIC. Despite the fact that I, along with others, who "claim" they are 14+ years of age, there just so happened to be several bouncy houses, and other carnival games. Amazing how the youth mature these days. Anyway, here are some pictures of the lovley dovely event. Much Much Much Much Maddie Love, Maddie :)

The bonfire (pre fire)

Student council getting ready to light it up!

Kelly, Lylah, madi, me, Tara, Alicia, and Julia At the bonfire!

Me, Ana, Makenna, Alicia, and Erin!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

In the sage words of Maddie Voigt.....

"The world is like a package of knockoff brand tater tots.

It's good, but
it's never quite as good as we thought it to be."

Hope ya'll are having a fabulous friday. 

And if not....... well, that's unfortunate.

Much Much Much Much Maddie Love, Maddie :)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Life's changed.... I'm in High school.

Can you believe it? I can't. I've become a total dinosaur. A fresh meat, freshie, frosh, freshman dinosaur. HIGH SCHOOL! It's absolutely insane. Yes, my blog readers, I have entered the land of awkward moments, football games, "better" school lunches, obnoxious school colors and alas, oodles of homework. Today was my first day, and I'll admit, it was INCREDIBLY TERRIFYING! Those hallways have absolutely no posters of  cute animals or murals made by students who didn't feel the need to erase their pencil marks. And much to my dismay, it is absolutely NOTHING LIKE HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL. Alas, the only music I've heard was the cheesy song playing on the PA system announcing I had a minute to get to class! And, let me tell you, that's a dangerously low number of music minutes! Other than that, I enjoy my classes, as I have at least one moderately familiar face in each. I even got my teacher to call me mad dog!!!!! Today, when asking me to pass out papers she casually said, "Mad dog, please pass those out." Mind blown. I think the only class I'm not very fond of is PE. Once again, I have an overweight PE coach, OH THE IRONY! And nobody fun is in that class.Just a whole bunch of smelly kids who never wash their uniforms, (how gross!) *nervous laugh* I highly commend those of you who got that joke! :) Spanish is also rather meh. (meh meaning boring, lacking fun) But on the bright side, I can sing the spanish alphabet. A skill mastered by few. Jealous? I would be.  Other than that, It's been a pretty stereotypical experience, being canned, shoved in toilets, locked in janitor closets, and wedgies galore has done wonders for my schedule. (as well as my pores) Anyway,
Hope your all having a wonderful Wednesday.

Much Much Much Much Maddie Love, Maddie :)

Our mascot, ain't he just a ball of pudding?

Costa Rica!

Whudup to all you floppy frogs! Yes, I realize I'm a bit behind on my posts, thanks for noticing. :) But, I have some very exciting news for yall, I just recently, ( a few weeks ago) returned from the lovely island known as, COSTA RICA! And what a lovely island it is. We were there for about a week, and had the awesome possumest time! Defying giant waves,  screaming on zip lines, covering myself in mud, riding fancy ponies, chillen in hammocks, going on exciting ATV rides, and SO MUCH MORE! (DO YOU FEEL THE FUN?! HUH?! DO YOU?!) We went early July, with my father, his girlfriend Deanna, and her family, and enjoyed it more than a possum enjoys not being run over. (and believe me, that is a mighty lot) So, apart from me just telling you about my fabulous adventure, I have realized that there is indeed, several gigabytes of memory on my computer holding documentation of my visit. And for those of you don't talk like a nerd, using computer references by their proper names, Here are the long awaited PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!!

Much Much Much Much Maddie Love, Maddie :)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

ND BABY! (all caps intended)

What up to all my Chubby Cows out there! As probably, very few of you know, I just returned from an exciting vacay destination, NORTHERN DAKOTA! Yes, after packing my suitcase, and waking up relatively early, I headed off to the airport, on the way singing to people in their cars to P!nks song "perfect", which is incredibly irrelevant but very funny. Anyway, upon our departure, while practicing my brittish accent, as all devoted aspiring comedians should, my eyes fell upon a familiar face. However, this face was on a shirt, a shirt that I just happen to own. A picture of Jim Parson's, or Sheldon from "Big Bang Theory" face plastered to the front, accompanied by Sheldon's creative saying "BAZINGA!"  Being the Big Bang fan I am, I told the man I enjoyed his shirt, he replied with a "I do too." After a very boring flight, I was greeted by my lovely Grandparents! Oh, how I ah-dore them and their polo ridden closets and "snoopy/old people" lessons. They teach me so much about life. We stayed and tortured them for almost an entire week, depriving them of peace and quiet, and robbing them of their free time! Those poor people! But while staying with them, We also got to visit quite a bit of family that also reside in North Dakota. For those of you that don't know, most of my wonderful relatives live there, (probably in a soul effort to avoid me) It was absolutely enchanting to see them again. (as nothing excites me more than possums, movies, HD video cameras, and, of course, family) While there, I visited my two great grandma's, my great uncle joe, The kalloch family, and my mom's best friend Traci's family as well. Enough of the yacking, here are some of the photographs taken during the trip. Much Much Much Much Maddie Love, Maddie :)

The guy with the sheldon shirt :)

Me with a fireman.

Blowing the horn on the truck.

Melissa with Trysin Lee, how precious.

Me chillen by an oil well.

Trystin and another baby in the hospital, they're "twins!"

Me holding Trystin.

Giving my cousins, the new uncles, a few gifts to get them on their way.

One of these things, was monkey butt cream, a definite necessity.

The boys with they're supplies. Baby wipes, Monkey butt cream, Spit towels (that absorb three times the water of a normal towel, cause we're not cheap!) Monkey butt cream, hand sanitizer, and candy bars, (to help them stay awake)

Being the oreo lover I am,On a facebook post I declared my love for them (as all passionate oreo lovers should! ) So, Barb got me some oreos too. Thanks Barb, I enjoyed those quite a bit! 

Ever since our family's Reunion on a cruise, I've Had this height competition with my cousins. Expecting to be taller than the 5'4 I have sadly halted at, I am now the shortest of Richie, Micheal, and my younger sister Kennedy. (How pathetic)

Us With great grandma. :)

There is Kennedy and Ally, Traci's little girl, who is very VERY funny.

Here's is Jack, Traci's son, jack is very good at karate, and obviously very handsome.

Kennedy and Joe with an Australian instrument. In which I was VERY jealous of.

All of us in Joe's kabota!

Me driving the Kabota.

Grandpa trying not to pee his pants as kennedy drove the kabota. (she nearly killed us) I swear, the second she took the wheel, my life flashed before my eyes.

Grandpa and Joe moving the fence.

Joe, Grilling up some dinner. He's just so incredibly talented.

This guy at the airport eating subway, I swear, he took like 40 minutes to eat a stinking footlong!