Sunday, August 15, 2010

Where oh where did summer go?????

Hola All you fancy Flamingos! Sorry I haven't posted lately but my lame and frail typist finny was sick with the dreadful Plague thus I (being the amazing charitible,kind, loving and over all amazing person ever) Gave Finny a few weeks off to recover from her horrid sickness. However in Finnny's absence I decided that summer MUST go on, and with that I flew my self up to Montana to visit my Lovely dovely grandparents O' mine! Every year my grandparents set up this "summer camp" where we do a buttload of amazing activities in the course of 3 days! And as most of you know I enjoy amazing buttloads of activities very much so! Now, Reading about these is often considered a very fun thing, However I am a firm believer that one picture is worth a thousand words and I know that that's way more than Finny could ever type about one picture, so to help you soak in the joy and excitement of this magical trip, here are the pictures of my awesome possum time!

Me, Jeven, and Kennedy in the raft!

Me, Kennedy, and Jeven floating down the river like real Monatna River
Rafters in the moss covered area!

My super duper grandma!

This beautiful fish caught by my uncle Steve against the very festive
woodsy scenery.

Me with my snazzy fishing pole!

Uncle Steve Fly Fishing (with a huge lack of Fly involvement!)

Jeven Sticking her pole in the water.........

GREAT CAESAR SALAD! It's a loner duck!

The superfantastical pond filled with fish that hate me!

Kennedy and Jeven chillen in my grandparents beautiful backyard!

Tim and Joe with their Birthday cakes that we made!

Tim and Joe festively opening thier cards with a very stylish ballon boa that took me
a very long time to make!

Me with the apple bars we made!

My sock monkey Sheldon Chives on the Airplane! (I was so proud of my baby boy!)

As I can probably tell by the zealous look on your face that you enjoyed reading this, and your probably even a bit jealous of my amazing time, which you should be, and If your not then I suggest you receive some mental help! :)

Much much much maddie love,


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