Hi, i'm maddie and today i've decided to finally sit my buttt down and right a post! Yeah sorry about that, rught as my life actually gets interesting I don't write about it, funny how that works huh? Ok Well i'm going to start off with halloween, my dad ALWAYS has to do something big for EVERY holiday and of course I get stuck helping him make his impossible ideas come to life in our very own front yard, exciting huh, WELL I'M NOT EVEN FINISHED! Ok this years idea was to create an nine foot spider in the front yard out of plumbing tubes,bailing wire and duct tape, lets just say this didn't go over very well and day one was spent doing trail and error, with no sucess. Day two was better, once my dad came to his senses and relized he was going to have to glue it it together instead of having it covered in duct tape! And after gluing it it actually stood (sadly it was about 6 inches short of what my dad invisioned but I guess he accepted it really well) Before we put the spider in the yard I wrapped balck yarn all throughout the yard to make it look like a spider web, and truthfully THAT WAS THE WORST IDEA EVER! Because when it came time to put my dad's 81/2 dream spider in the yard it was kinda hard to walk around because we had to be careful not to fall. But once the spider was in it looked awesome and it was toe-tal-ee worth it! Kids are gonna pee thier pants when they walk by our yard from now on!!!! Here are some of the pictures!PEACE,EDWELLA,LOVE,AND SMILEYS =D =) =P =l

My boring yard, the BEFORE.

My boring yard, the BEFORE.
and eye doctor)

The spider! I love his huge fangs, it looks like he needs braces! If you look closely you can see the webbing in the yard and on kennedys window (that was really hard to do)

The spider! I love his huge fangs, it looks like he needs braces! If you look closely you can see the webbing in the yard and on kennedys window (that was really hard to do)
Some of our old decorations we used. OMG SANATA AND MICKY ARE DEAD!

Us in front of the spider!
At nighttime he has glowing eyes!
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