Monday, October 26, 2009

Whales,snowball fights,dancing, and other random activities

Hey guys sorry about not updating my blog in a while it just that lots of stuff keeps popping up and i haven't found the time! Ok lets get started! I recently went to Montana and had the awesomest possumest time ever! Grandma made me cookies (like always) and I always seem to come back weighing more than my suitcase (but I usually do so...........awkward!) We went p to the mountains and walked around and Me and my grandpa had a snowball fight (Kennedy was a proud participant until she decided that she didn't want people throwing balls of snow at her, she just wanted to throw them at us and expected that we wouldn't throw any at her because it's well of course, wrong. HA HA AT LEAST SHE KNOWS WHY PEOPLE LAUGH AT HER WHEN SHE SAYS THAT I MEAN COME ON! so anyway she told us how she wanted to play (totally defeating the purpose of the famous SNOWBALL FIGHT) and she pretty much ended that fun. When we got back we just kind of chilled out (ha ha get it chilled.............ok fine it's a lame joke but you have to realize lame jokes make us feel better about ourselves because it reminds us that there's some one dumber than you out there in the world :)) Anyway Friday was my schools dance (it was a Michael Jackson THRILLER theme so that was kind of interesting) It was a lot of fun, and it was quite the workout. (because at my school people don't dance we just jump and wave our arms everywhere, kind of hazardous if you ask me) My friends and I went dressed with our awesome socks and matching hair I was the best color ever, PURPLE! although you can't really tell in the picture! And moving on once again, Yesterday we went to the store BUT NOT JUST ANY STORE IT WAS............(dot dot dot)...........THE DOLLAR STORE (the very same place i got my loving (and now dead sunflower bob)) And whenever i go to the dollar store I find things I really don't need and then tell my mommy that I ABSOLUTELY NEED THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well yesterday I got these beautiful blue glasses with Yellow stars and WHALES ON THEM I SWEAR THAT THEY'RE THE COOLEST GLASSES IN THE ENTIRE WORLD AND BEYOND (to at least mars) And so that just made my day! Well my house smells like cookies which might mean someone is baking cookies! I suppose this is fate telling me to get my possum/waffle loving self downstairs! PEACE,EDWELLA,LOVE,AND SMILEYS =D =) =P =l

Me and my awesome buddies Starting at TOP LEFT ROW Abbie(neon green) Rachel, Kelly,Tanner, two kids i don't know, SECOND ROW- Alicia (yellow) Me (blue jacket) Isiah (red shirt) Andy (guy with juice/smoothie cup and straw) And Ryan (kid laying down pretending to be a model)

Monday, October 19, 2009


Hi, i'm maddie and today i've decided to finally sit my buttt down and right a post! Yeah sorry about that, rught as my life actually gets interesting I don't write about it, funny how that works huh? Ok Well i'm going to start off with halloween, my dad ALWAYS has to do something big for EVERY holiday and of course I get stuck helping him make his impossible ideas come to life in our very own front yard, exciting huh, WELL I'M NOT EVEN FINISHED! Ok this years idea was to create an nine foot spider in the front yard out of plumbing tubes,bailing wire and duct tape, lets just say this didn't go over very well and day one was spent doing trail and error, with no sucess. Day two was better, once my dad came to his senses and relized he was going to have to glue it it together instead of having it covered in duct tape! And after gluing it it actually stood (sadly it was about 6 inches short of what my dad invisioned but I guess he accepted it really well) Before we put the spider in the yard I wrapped balck yarn all throughout the yard to make it look like a spider web, and truthfully THAT WAS THE WORST IDEA EVER! Because when it came time to put my dad's 81/2 dream spider in the yard it was kinda hard to walk around because we had to be careful not to fall. But once the spider was in it looked awesome and it was toe-tal-ee worth it! Kids are gonna pee thier pants when they walk by our yard from now on!!!! Here are some of the pictures!PEACE,EDWELLA,LOVE,AND SMILEYS =D =) =P =l

My boring yard, the BEFORE.

After, see the gigantic spider in my yard! (if not I recommend

and eye doctor)

The spider! I love his huge fangs, it looks like he needs braces! If you look closely you can see the webbing in the yard and on kennedys window (that was really hard to do)

Some of our old decorations we used. OMG SANATA AND MICKY ARE DEAD!

Us in front of the spider!
At nighttime he has glowing eyes!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Why hello readers of my blog, how are you? GREAT I'M FINE! Anyways, this certainly has been a crazy week, considering i haven't worn a jacket for any of it! (if you know me well this would be a very big shock because even in the middle of July, in Arizona, playing outside, I'VE GOT A JACKET ON!) You may ask what is the reason for this unbalance in the universe (and no people we are not talking about global warming) Well in theater we are making a play and I brought an extra jacket for the play and while I was holding it one of my friends named Isiah came and took it from me and wore it all yesterday. I didn't really care considering I had another one and both (like all of my jackets) had tissues in the pockets so i was positive he would give it back however, I stand corrected because he wore it all day and today (which was weird because it's pink) and right when I got it back my friend Ryan took it from me and wore it for the remainder of the school day and after I hunted him down and got my jacket back i realized that because they both wore MY jacket I honestly didn't want it any more, so I carried it home held away from my body and now i have nothing to keep me warm because I'm certainly not going to wear that pink one ever again and I left my other jacket at my dad's house so I remain jacketless, tragic, isn't it? Well tomorrow I have a math test and science test so I'm gonna have to go study, I'll update yall about my awesome possum life once the jacket situation improves. ( PEACE,EDWELLA,LOVE,AND SMILEYS =D =) =P

PONY JACKET!!!!!!!!!

Look at these people jumping for joy because

This little boy looks so cute and WARM in his JACKET!

Look this little girls smiling because she's waring a PINK JACKET JUST LIKE MINE!