Hey people and my fellow martains, I just got back from an oh-so exciting trip in north Dakota (aka a land where ticks and mosquitoes roam freely and feed off of the human race) And had a total blast! The first 2 days were spent visiting at my mom's friend's house where I got to see some old friends known as Tracy, Jason, Jack, and ally, who used to live in Arizona then moved up there. Jack is 5 and ally is going on 3, but the last time i saw them ally couldn't talk and jack was much shorter, lol. So me and kennedy played around with them and it was really cool to see how much they had grown and how smart they had become! On day 3 we headed to wiliston for my cousin's wedding rehearsal and (of course the wedding) It was a ton of fun because i got to see my cousins again, Jeven, Michael, Richard (or as I call him Richie) and Melissa (who was getting married) We mostly just ran around, played freeze tag and messed around with Michael's hair (which was really REALLY FUN, and I'm surprised he let us because in the end he had about 1/4 of the hair gel bottle in his hair!) But we also hid from each other (mostly kenny) part of the time so that was amazingly entertaining for me Ha ha, sorry kenny! After a night of running around and having non-stop laughs with my cuzins (i know that's spelt wrong but it's a little thing I started between my cuzins and I, We like the whole UZ sound to it, it makes the word more fun!) I went to bed pretty quick that night. The next morning we headed out to the armory to help set up for the wedding reception and all of that fancy stuff lol. And after that we got to go see where my grandpa grew up, as well as my family's oil pumps! That was really cool to see. I saw where my grandpa used to live, and some of the stories and memories that went with it, and for that I'm truly thankful because I learned a lot more about my family and our history. As well as the oil pumps that have provided my family with so much, that was really exciting to see because I alone, had never even see an oil pump before, but also see one with my family's name on it! So i was really happy I got to see that too. After we did that we headed back up to wiliston to get ready for the wedding, however my sister, cuzin jeven, and I went on a water slide they had at our hotel for a while. We had a lot of fun going down the slide and finding different ways to go down it, (lying on out backs/ stomachs, holding onto each others feet, going backwards and sideways, We even climbed up the slide!) And shortly after that we got all dressed up and headed to the park where the wedding was held. And the day before Michael told us that the suit he had to wear made him look like a turd, so of course jeven and kennedy were all excited to call him a turd at the wedding (i swear the whole car ride consisted of kennedy and jeven laughing and saying "I can't wait to see the turd!" The wedding was outside and it was really nice because there were no mosquitoes! Melissa looked beautiful in her dress, she showed up in a limo and everything, so I bet she was feeling nothing short of royalty! After the wedding she gave everyone hugs and stuff which i thought was really nice (even though I, QUEEN OF MARS, had to wait in line with everyone else! ha ha jk) At the reception, jeven, kennedy, and I got to serve cake and punch! (Which has always been my life long dream that has now come true!!!!!!!!!) And no,I didn't pour punch on peoples heads, or throw cake at everyone because the FBI said they would take me away if I did it again...................................................................................... long story short, I can be a very violent person when it comes to wedding food. It took a long time to serve the cake though because I was wearing these shoes, with heels, (I don't like pointy shoes like my mommies, However they are very fun to play guns with) But I don't like heels because I always trip if my feet have been elevated to a height that exceeds 1/2 and inch. But after we were done serving cake My cuzins, non-cuzins, cuzin in law, sister, and I went on a limo ride where we messed around, waved to people, put cuzin mikes hair in a pony tail, and sprinkled glitter all over his face, (as you can see jeven, kennedy and I are very lucky to have a cuzin who puts up with us and doesn't complain) So thank you michael, lol. The rest of the night consisted of us holding hands and running around in a circle, kinda like a bar mitzvah or something like that. Oh and It was REALLY REALLY REALLY funny when kennedy and jordan danced! It's things like that I will always make fun of her for! JUST KIDDING!!!!( well maybe i am). The next day we headed up to my other great grandma's house where "kabota billy" (or my great uncle) took us on his kobota up to his cabin! He even let us drive it, and gave us really cool shirts! And we had a total blast with that! When we got to his cabin he had this rock for us to sign, and we got to see the pig we ate for dinner that night! It was also His brithday so we brought him a cake. And after we celebrated we hit the road again to our other hotel (this one had a bigger pool with 3 slides, so kennedy jeven and I spent some time there. Of course i was trying to free myself of ticks, I had 5 of them on me, and that was horrible! There's nothing more that really happened, and I suppose you all tired of reading this (sorry it's so long) so I guess I'll just show you the pictures!

Michael,jeven, Kennedy, and I

Michael,jeven, Kennedy, and I

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