Ello to all my fellow bloggers and blog readers out there! This is my blog (as if you didn't know) Where I write about what's going on in my awesome possum life, or what's on my little maddie mind. I wouldn't say It's your ordinary blog, but who needs to be ordinary in a world as cool as this?! So sit back in that snazzy swivel chair of yours and check it out, you won't be dissapointed!

Thursday, May 14, 2009
Hello bloggers and toasters!
Why hello!!!!!!!! Happy National Dance Like A Chicken Day Hope you have spent it dancing like a chicken(i mean what else would you do????) Today was a super fantastical day, first off i want to congradulate my friend rachel for winning a national poetry contest based off of her poem inspired By a piece of music called "a love letter". GO RACHEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Today was also a great day because (well i forgot mostly why) no wait I remembered!!!!!! Well this week in socail studies we have to make a commercail about a civilization we learned about this year for the 5th grader's (who will be 6th graders) to watch next year. So My friends maggie,caitlin, and I chose rome. And for our commercail we decided to make up a rap. (i don't know if I've ever told anyone I'm an awesome rapper but I am, it's like a hidden talent) Our rap is about rome and well the things we learned and did for that civilization. I'm going to ask for a copy of the video so yall (yes i said yall) can see it. We have maggie who is playing hannah montana, and caitlin and I being backup/awesome beatboxers!!!! I have a feeling it going to be pretty funny! Especailly because we are going to have my friends ryan and isiah in the backround dancing. Other than that my day was rather boring, (all i did was start a food fight, hung with the jobro's and poked opra (again)) OH MY GOSH I JUST REMEMBERED I HAVE TO FEED MY POSSUM oh and get my cranberry muffin out of the microwave!!! So for now i say adiĆ³s hembra peter las panda amor (goodbye female peter the panda lovers) PEACE,EDWELLA,LOVE,AND SMILEYS =D =) =P =l
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