Ello to all my fellow bloggers and blog readers out there! This is my blog (as if you didn't know) Where I write about what's going on in my awesome possum life, or what's on my little maddie mind. I wouldn't say It's your ordinary blog, but who needs to be ordinary in a world as cool as this?! So sit back in that snazzy swivel chair of yours and check it out, you won't be dissapointed!

Saturday, February 28, 2009
CAMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :{ (smiley with a mustache)
Hey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Guess what? betcha can't guess!!!! No really you can't, becuase it is confidential information (we're talking FBI material) But I'm gonna tell you anyways (your soooo lucky) Ok well this week I went to camp!!! Yup, be envious of the awesomely awesomeness! It was only two days but I had a blast!! On the bus ride up they played WALLE which was ok (everyone was like really fat in the movie because they sat in hovering chairs all day) other than that me and my bus buddie KELLY (we are also shirt buddies, dust bunnies, and pie song buddies) had a lot of fun talking and eating girl scout cookies that everyone on the bus ate! At camp we went on a nature hike (I was in the orange group and our name was the antalopes but we called ourselves cantalopes 'cause we looked like fruit) Well on the nature hike i saw this really fuzzy plant. IT WAS SO FUZZY!!!!!!!!! Oh and we got to see some old mines and I almost pushed this kid into it. There was some snow and I ate like a lot of it.......... Not my smartest idea. But the view at the top was incredible we climbed a mile and guess what? THERE WASN'T A WATER SLIDE TO TAKE US BACK DOWN!!!!!! That made me sad :( After that we went to some tree ring class in which 6 people fell asleep!!! (including my science teacher) But then we all woke up and went to ARCHERY!!!!! It was soooo fun I GOT 3 BULLS EYES!!!!! I guess I can be some archery champ when i grow up (just like my friend abbie except she's gonna we a professional hockey stick twirl-er) Yeah........... but then we went on a scavenger hunt and we got to run all around camp at 8:00 at night and scream and step in puddles!!! Absolutely awesome!!!!! But I really liked the zip line (other than the fact I almost hit a tree). But I had to share a bed with a girl who snored so I didn't get any sleep! It was absolutely horrible. The bus ride home was really funny bcause my friend abbie was wacking her camera against the seat and the flash went off in thses two boys jhonny zen zen and isaiahs faces and it was hilarious!!!!! So the whole bus ride back it was like there was a paparazzi in your face!!!! And i have a strange feeling that kennedy would have LOVED IT. It was really dark too. AND GUESS WHAT!!!! I SAW A HOBO!!!!!!! It was a real good hobo too (not one of those poser hobo's) Oh and there was Carpet on the ceiling of the bus!!! Abbie said it was in case the bus tipped over and we needed to walk on it! (she's sooo smart) WE also sang a lot of songs (Hot n cold, the pie song,so what,shake it,i'm yours, and a whole bunch others. Oh and abbie and skylar saw this house they're gonna buy and eat pizza in it! So i guess you could say i had a very fufilling trip! I GUESS...................... maybe............... hey wait......................... Do flies have toes??????????? PEACE,EDWELLA,LOVE,AND SMILEYS =D =) =P =l Look below for pics!!!!!!
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Sounds like tons of fun! And btw I can't wait to see you guys this weekend. And can you please tell me how on the right top corner of your blog you got the picture of yourself and then you wrote on it. Well you will probably just tell me when you come so see ya then! Peace out home dog JK! LOL:)
Hi Maddie! We had the best time reading about your trip:) We are excited to see you this afternoon. See ya then.
-Jeven and Grandma
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