Monday, April 15, 2013


As most of ya'll know, Prom is right around the corner. But as my date flew off to LA to work on his new movie, The Great Gastby, Callan managed to take me to Prom over the weekend. From the second he stuttered "Prom?" In his aussie accent I nearly fainted. In fact, the whole night was mostly me fainting. (I just loved the way he would pick me up off the ground and stroke my hair as the paramedics stood by) Anyway, Here are the photos from our fabulous night. Much Much Much Much Maddie Love, Maddie :)

Callan asked me to Prom. :) Don't mind my bald spots, I was having a bad hairday.
Because Callan spent all his money on my gerogous one of a kind prom dress he couldn't afford a limo so we
simply called in our friend bumblebee to drive us.

My friend Marty and I at prom. He played until we were OUTTA TIME. (hahah get it) 

This is the photo we'll show our children someday. Man I look hawt.


The Life of a Star Blogger.... Is Rough.

Since a recent discovery, or rather act of punishment on my poor soul, my blog as risen to it's golden age. A time of prosperity, creativity, and mortification on my behalf. It is my self proclaimed "adoring" fans that push me to continue on in the documentation of my humiliating and overall boring life.... weekly. I'm still the 5'4 (Yes, STILL) weird looking girl that wears excessive amounts of purple and sings hannah montana daily. I've just gotten a heck of a lot better at hiding it. In which case, you should all be grateful. I'm a hot mess.

I'd like to think that I can someday we can all put this behind us and realize that there is no help for me, I'm literally stuck this weird forever. *please take a moment to pray for the man who ends up marrying me* Actually, I take that back. Who wouldn't want a slice of maddie pie? (this would be the part where you all raise your hands and I storm out of the room offended) I would like to personally thank you all for making me even more of a loser than I already am, as I lay in bed at ten thirty in complete darkness twisting my legs in an awkward position in order to keep the computer from falling on my face as I type. (Blogging accidents are NOT covered by my insurance plan.....My dad's cheap like that) Anyway, I just spent twenty minutes of my incredibly purposeful life photo shopping a few photos for you all... but because the website decided they were too controversial for the Internet, they must be postponed until another post. Until then,

 Much Much Much Much Maddie Love, Maddie :)

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

I hate you all.

Shout out to Miles, Ridge, Madi, Tara, Jacob, and Jenna. Ya'll suck.
Much Much Much Much Maddie Love, Maddie :)