Sunday, May 22, 2011

PROMO! :) A night of dancing, looking fancy, and free food!

Bonjour to all my captivating cod fish out there! Life, for me, has been GREAT! And not just the little sigh great, I'm talking the HOLY COW MY LIFE IS SUPER FANTASTIC GREAT! And you may be asking, why, maddie, has the greatness in your life increased suddenly? And the answer to that would be *drum roll please* PROMOTION! (DANCE) Yes, it's that time of year where the 8th graders get all fancied up and dance the night away, (well, until 9:30) This year's theme just so happened to be a night of mystery, (aka masquerade) and holy crap! THEY DECORATED EVERYTHING! EVEN THE BATHROOMS WERE DECORATED TO THE FULLEST EXTRAVAGANCE! (clever word choice, I know) It was like a stinking prom! (trust me, i would know, I recently saw the movie prom) sadly, I didn't get any pictures of the gym, foyer, or previously mentioned bathrooms, but take my word for it, that was one snazzy dance. And I know you're all just dying to see the photos I DID take, so go ahead, indulge in the beauty of what i call, Promotion! :)

My besties. If you don't know their names by now, Then your a loser.

Party time!

Armed and dangerous. I really enjoy my face here.

Us shooting Charles, Looking like charlie's angels.

At red robin. Nourishing ourselves with greasy hamburgers before the dance.

Us and our drinks, I'm a total outsider with my milk.

Much Much Much Much Maddie Love, Maddie :)


Jen S. said...

Hi Maddie! It sounds like your 8th grade dance was a blast! You looked very pretty all dressed up in your cute!
I can't believe you'll soon be a freshman! My how time flies!
Auntie Jen

*Lici* said...

Ah! Promotion dance! The only thing 8th grade girls look forward to all year long! I must say is was smashing. I got some super pics too. Ill have to post those sometime. I am soooo close to getting a facebook i can taste it. Maddie i just wanted to inform you that i have had the best 3 years of my life with you and i will never forget them. High schools coming and im not going to loose you and kelly in the corona mix. We all have to stay in touch with abbie and be all together like every weekend. We have to keep the awesomeposssum friendship alive. Love you tons!!!