Saturday, September 25, 2010

Just another magical Saturday........

HOLA to all my buttery fingered bobcats! Guess who's really bored?! THIS GIRL! There's nothing fun to do at 11! (well except make a wish on 11:11 but that's stinking it!) But guess what?! TODAY NATIONAL COMIC BOOK DAY! (so that's why the nerds were all excited for the weekend) As well as the oh so magical day mary poppins premiered! WHATTA JOLLY TROLLY DAY! Man i need to be quoted, I could help heal the worlds deep wounds with my antibiotic inspirational words! (almost like the way i fill the worlds awkward silences with my angelic singing voice!) Man what don't I have, oh yeah, A YACHT! The jo bros and I were partying on it and when thier body gaurd big rob stepped on the boat, it was over, that sucker plunged down into my swimming pools dark abyss! I had to round up at least 6 football players to yank that thing out of the water, and it's still hasn't sold on ebay! (apparently people aren't very fond of damaged yachts, those fudge faces!) Poor thing must feel so unloved, kinda like a frog statue in a hoarders house! Poor frog......... :(
My beautiful yacht, ah the glory days!
How pristine!
The ice hockey arena on my yacht, for my Canadian guests.
The laser tag arena I had installed so I could practice my mad laser shooting skills.
My private jets and my crew!
The food court, they're supposed to be putting in an olive garden any day now...........
My lovely lovely movie theater where I watch movies with my homie steven speilburg!
The grand entrance, sort of lame i know..........
The pool and slide area located on the top deck.
The mini mall....
My chillaxing area from a stressful day of relaxing on my yacht.
Two loons on my yacht........
Alas, my yacht's glory days are over, he will be dearly missed............

Thursday, September 23, 2010


WOWIE IT'S SURE BEEN A LONG  TIME SINCE I'VE DONE THIS!AND MAN DOES IT FEEL GOOD TO BE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well as all of you know (or should know), My awesome possum magical birthday was September 12! (i won't tell you what year because that's just embarrassing!) And this year I threw a birthday party with one of my besties, ALICIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (since her birthday is the 11th) And we just had the jolliest time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was a darn tooting lot of planning and i'm still picking up star confetti, but it was toe-tal-ee AH-MA-ZAH-ING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the theme was Hollywood, and your supposed to come dressed as a celebrity (although that didn't really work out.......) We had around 22 guests and (though we thought we were in over our heads) it actually turned out pretty GREEATT! We had a fabulous cake, had some interesting games, and an overall beastly time! So i''l stop the yakking and get to the action, PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All of our par-tay guests chillen on the couch!
I was Taylor swift, Kelly was Rachel (from glee) Alicia was lady Ga Ga and Abbie was Harper (from Wizards of Waverly place)

Alicia, Abbie, Kelly and I!
Eli came dressed as the koolaid man, here he is rocking in my chair!
Our guests once again.
Matt, Johnny, Jackson, Trevor and Hannah, all of which didn't really dress up.......
Another group shot!
Alicia and I opening presents!
The video above shows all of the games we did, Such as a skit game, fashion show, and performance game, and One of our guests "interesting dance....." and I'm pretty confident you'll be able to see the fun we had, especially with the fashion show game......... :)

This is a video of Alicia and I blowing out our candles (sparklers, that might explain our terror of the cake in the video...) and If all y'all listen really close you can hear what  I wished for...... :)