Sunday, January 24, 2010


Ok over the past couple of days it's been raining like we would never see the sun again!!!!! I absolutely LOVE the rain (more than pita bread, and we all know pita bread is pretty hard to beat!) and so I've been a very happy person! But how can rain cause this much happiness? you ask, well I'm not happy just because of the rain, I'm also happy because my house has been like a bakery ever since Kennedy started her cake decorating class. Now not only does Kennedy benefit from these classes but so do my dad and I! Right now I've got 3 cakes in my kitchen, cupcakes, and cookies! (it's amazing that I haven't ripped my jeans............yet) So pretty much all I've been doing is eating bakery food! Here are some pictures of the lovely cakes!

This is Kennedy's cake #1

These are Tammie Co Cupcakes And they
have got to be the best cupcakes EVER! And that's
coming from a cupcake expert like me.

Cake #2 the one on the Left is Deanna's cake
and the one on the right is Kennedy's. Don't they look amazing?!

Kennedy's Outer-space cake, it looks so awesome!

Deanna's groovy cake, I can't believe how professional it looks!

Anyway, that's about all for now, Hope you all have an awesome possum spectacular Sunday!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Dodgeball!!!!!!! (it's a pysically demanding sport!)

Why hello bloggers, sorry I haven't updated in a while (I blame my computer for not looking very attractive lately) Anyways, So much has been going on lately I just need to tell you all about it! Ok well Friday (after school) was our schools 3rd annual DODGE BALL TOURNAMENT! This year I toe-tal-e forgot to train for it so I decided to sit out this year! However this didn't stop Kennedy, her and her friends decided to form a team call THE M&Ms (like the awesome tasting candy!) During the tournament I sat on the bleachers and talked (more like laughed) with my friends Kelly, Abbie, and Rachel! We had an awesome time watching all of our friends play and so we decided we just might form a team next year!

Here is Kennedy's team, ha I feel bad for the boy they
managed to get on their team!

Action shot!
Kennedy with an Orange foam ball, YOU BETTER WATCH OUT!
The tournament lasted about 2 hours and the final round was between a group of 8th grade boys (who my friends all lost to) But anyway they had the funniest outfits EVER! They all had on something crazy like a Snuggie,Banana suit, Gorilla mask, and a cape but during the first game they decided it would be best not to wear the snuggie and mask because on their way down to the court both matt, and ryan fell! Anyway here are some pictures of their awesomepossum costumes!
Sorry it's kind of blurry but you get the concept right?!
If you look really closely Ryan's (guy in black jacket!)
Eyes look red and all evil, just the way mine do when I see waffles!
Ha ha look at Matt in his banana suit! I can't believe he played in it the whole time!
Another awesome group was my friend Maggie's team known as the Sleepy Heads! The wore pajama's and messed up their hair (however I never got a good picture of them playing :( )
Yup so that pretty much covers Doge ball! Hope yall are having an awesome possum day filled with waffles and Unicorns!

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Ello bloggers of all shapes and sizes, How are you? IT DOESN'T MATTER BECAUSE THIS IS MY BLOG! If you want people to care then start your own! Well anyway, this post is about my awesome trip I took to Vegas not to long ago and I finally am getting around to talking about it! YAY MADDIE! Ok well it all started with a long car ride, I hate car rides because your always bored!!!!!!!! Now you may be asking me, Maddie you have your very own private jet, why didn't you just fly to Vegas? Well very good question! You see Obama and the Jonas brothers have been using my jet quite a bit this year, and because I did blow the Jo-bros jet up (by accident of course) I really had no option! So I had to face my fear or car trips and just do it! This car trip, I thought I was being smart because I brought our DVD player to help entertain me, however when I turned it on (or tried to turn it on) it wouldn't work! So all I had to rely on was my IPOD, which managed to get me through it! Good thing to because I wouldn't have wanted to have died of pure boredom like that one kid in my math class! (poor guy never even had a chance against Mrs.Wilson and her mathematical lectures) But when we got to my relatives house I knew it was all worth it (at least that's what i had convinced myself) My family rushed out to greet us (like my paparazzi but without cameras) I hugged everyone BIG SHOCK!!!!!!!! FYI- I HATE HUGS but sometimes I let it slide! Well my cousin jeven Introduced us to her friends Alani and evan and we just kind of hung out and drank sprite!

Us drinking SPRITE!

Yes, be very jealous! Also, My lovely and oh so wonderful grandparents took us to see the blue man group which was totally amazing and hilarious and I had such a great time so THANK YOU GRANDMA AND GRANDPA! Anyway i had a great time in vegas with my family and I hope that you all had a very merry christmas and a jolly new year!