Thursday, September 24, 2009


Bonjour people and non-people, welcome to my blog! Ok now that that's over I FINALLY GET TO TELL YOU ABOUT MY BIRTHDAY PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok well September 12th (best day ever created) Was my birthday and to celebrate me getting closer to death I decided to have a party with all of my awesome possum friends! It WAS AWESOME! We had a scavenger hunt to find our bear Phillepe (a bear child of me and my friends) Anyway, this evil person (my daddy in a wig) made a video for us and told us he had kidnapped Phillepe and we had 2 hours to find him of Phillepe dies! So of course we set out with our first clue "chocolate chip cookies" . But you see there is a catch, we were all tied together, and the two people on the ends had an item attached to their hand, mine was a vase and my friend Abbie's was a bowling pin (poor Abbie had to drag around a bowling pin that weighed a billion pounds) Our first clue was "chocolate chip cookies" which led us to the sugar where we found another clue (that I can't remember) anyways the hunt for our dear son led us to many random places, but we stayed strong until we found our son. HE WAS IN THE CABINET ALL ALONG!!!!!!!!!! We were so happy to get him back we even took the bag off his head! YUP YOU HEARED ME RIGHT! THE BAG WAS ACTUALLY REMOVED FROM HIS LITTLE FURRY HEAD! Here's some pictures of our adventure!


Walking into my room!

In the cupboard!

Us looking in the dictonary!

Walking down the street
Running down the street
Walking down the sidewalk to the flag
Finding the clue
Posing between trees
Walking back to my home! (home is better than house)
Abbie, Rachel, Maggie, Kelly, and Me!
all of us on my waterfall with Phillepe!
My birthday party was a blast and I want to thank all of you for the cards and Gifts, you should be reciving your thank-you's any day now. And I would also like to give a birthday shoutout to SARAH! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SARAH! Well that's about it, I gotta go trip over something that starts with an L so bye!

1 comment:

Jen S. said...

Maddie-- your blog posts are the best! Your stories make me laugh :) So glad you had such an awesome birthday. That scavenger hunt sounds like it was so much creative!!
Glad you had a good time!
We miss you!
Aunt Jen (& Uncle Steve, cousin Jevey, & Teddy too!)