Hola to all my insane imus out there! It's been a while, hasn't it? Well, I'm back, and moderatley better than ever. This whole highschool thing is REALLY time consuming, who knew?! But I decided to share a bit of my highschool happenings with you all, as I have come to enjoy them very much. So about a week ago I attened the very prestigous (but not really) CDS Bonifre! And lemme just say one thing, IT.WAS.EPIC. Despite the fact that I, along with others, who "claim" they are 14+ years of age, there just so happened to be several bouncy houses, and other carnival games. Amazing how the youth mature these days. Anyway, here are some pictures of the lovley dovely event. Much Much Much Much Maddie Love, Maddie :)
The bonfire (pre fire) |
Student council getting ready to light it up! |
Kelly, Lylah, madi, me, Tara, Alicia, and Julia At the bonfire! |
Me, Ana, Makenna, Alicia, and Erin! |