Greetings to all my french frogs out there! Toady is sunday, probably the best day to go outside and ride your bike to wherever your heart desires. Well, apparently, there's a new blogging website out there called tumblr that's trying to take down blogger. NOW EVERYONE IS GETTING A BLOG. But you know what? That's just unacceptable and extrememly uncalled for. Blogger is and always will be the home of Maddies weekly blahs! (I'm more loyal than Selena gomez is to Justin bieber) (wether that's frightening or not is unknown........) Well besides this awful news, yesterday we had a garage sale where my father and I managed to sell a lot of junk to a lot of people making a grand total of a MILLION DOLLARS! Yes, it's okay to be jealous, I would be too. Now I can go buy myself a fancy mansion on! I'm thinking it should look a little like this........

Nah..... to creepy.

WAY TO MANY WINDOWS! I don't wanna have to clean those, It'd take me nearly four days and a truckload of windex!

Eh, to stone-ey.

Perfect! Now i have grass to do cartwheels in and play with my slip and slide! :D! Just look at the elegance and sheer class!
Well, I guess I should go perchase this new house of mine and have a rocking house par-tay! (maybe, If your lucky, you'll be invited along with 20000 of my other closest friends and family.
Much Much Much Much Maddie Love, Maddie :)