Hey hey hey on a happy fall day to all my naked trees out there!!! Well, as you have probably noticed........... It's been a little quiet here on my blog, the reason being, I've just been having to much fun to even post! Sad, Isn't it? Well Over the past couple weeks I've atteneded two awesome possum parties for my friends Ariana and Maggie! :) Both were a jolly trolly time, and beyond blog worthy, so here we go!!!!!!!PEACE,EDWELLA,LOVE,AND SMILEYS =D =) =P =l
Ariana Has been a close friend of mine since 7th grade, this year she turned 14 and so we helped her celebrate by attending a surprise Birthday party her family threw her at a park by our school. When we got there we were asked to fill up water balloons to chuck at her when she arrived (nobody objected) So off into the smelly bathrooms we went! It was there where Alicia, Kelly, Maggie,Ryan, Eli, Jenna, Abbie, and Brooke huddled together and soaked at each other attempting to fill up the balloons however, all was successful when she arrived and We chucked all 50 of them at her as hard as we could (If that's not friendship, I don't know what is!) After that we decided it would be fun to chase around the park's train and hop on it, so we set off barefoot after the train only to find that the park's grass was filled with millions of burs and spikes that just LOVE to stab my feet and make it impossible for me to run! (thus I thank Alicia for piggybacking me around the park, even though from past experience I have come to find Alicia is a very very horrible person to receive piggyback rides from.)(YOU GO GLENN COCO) Anyways, as we all made the painful journey back, unsuccessfully jumping on the train, we headed back to the park's splash play area and soaked ourselves in dirty city water in front of little kids, (how sweet of us) and I managed to get a couple of burs out of my feet, so life was good. That is until, our cake fight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now Ariana, Ryan, Eli, and I were the only ones interested in fighting with cake, so we chucked cake at each other while the other kids pathetically watched. After our epic cake fight however, everyone got bored so we all mosey'd on over to ryan's house where ryan threw his dog and judged our celing touching competition!
The birthday Girl Ariana Covered in cake!
Some of us on the park swings
Maggie,Me, Ryan, and Ariana after the cake fight!
During the cake fight, Man does Ariana look happy!
A not so very attractive picture of my and ryan eating chips
Me jumping to touch ryan's beautiful Celing!
Well, I guess you could say that was about the best party ever, but I can't say that because then I'd be calling Maggie's party less fun and I haven't even talked about that yet so I guess I shouldn't say anything................
Well, Maggie's party took place on a lovely evening in which I have to say was one of my better hair nights. Shortly after I arrived we had decided to go to the park (the same one from Ariana's party) And chase the train around yet.......again. Now you would think I'm a train chasing expert by now but your wrong, oh so very terribly wrong........ Anyways, at the park everyone thought it would be cool if someone hode the little kid rides and me, a lover of both rides and free amusement decided to do it. Now, normally kids my age wouldn't be caught dead in a little kiddy farris wheel ride, but luckily, I'M NOT ONE OF THEM! So in to the small little chair I went, waiting for the joy and happiness two quarters would bring me, but alas, that joy never came. The ride appeared to be broken, not that we noticed but it was rudely pointed out by the 16 year old kid who works there. Well turns out he's also the train driver so guess who got irriateted with 8 girls chasing the train across the park and decided to blow the little train whistle at them and shoot them mean looks..........THAT GUY! Oh memories! Well after our train chasing expedition we all headed back to Maggie's house where we ate, made soda coozies, and Listened to music until it was time to go COSMIC BOWLING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, apparently I was the only one who had ever been cosmic bowling before so everyone got all excited for nothing. But I have to admit, we still had a pretty sock rocking time! After all the fun and excitement of cosmic bowling it was sleepover time and everyone started texting like crazy so me, thinking that a party is not texting time, entertained myself with sitting under a sleeping bag and quietly humming then yelling out BAT CAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Which made everyone stop texting and want to party with me, sadly, lauren's sleeping bag wasn't big enough for 8 girls so I came up with like 9 other games to play to keep everyone entertained (because that's just how I roll) and then I fell asleep on the floor at around 4 in the morning so everyone else got bored and went asleep too.

All of us except Lauren(who was taking the picture with her mad photography skills)
Me acting like a little kid on the kiddy ride |
Here I am drinking soda out of my beauftiful straw and playing with my phone that I covered in foam stickers! |
Me on the kiddy ride :) |
Maggie and I |
Us partying! woot! |
Chilling on the couch! |
Cosmic bowling, With Me, ryan, Maggie and Julia! |
The beautiful bubble on ariana's shoe! |
cosmic bowling with Ariana, Brooke, Julia, Chance, me, and Jackson. |
Ariana, Ryan, and I. |
Me, Julia, Brooke, Lauren, and Jackson. |
Brooke, Me, Jackson, and Ryan. |