Ello to all my fellow bloggers and blog readers out there! This is my blog (as if you didn't know) Where I write about what's going on in my awesome possum life, or what's on my little maddie mind. I wouldn't say It's your ordinary blog, but who needs to be ordinary in a world as cool as this?! So sit back in that snazzy swivel chair of yours and check it out, you won't be dissapointed!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Prepare to be Amazed, or something like that.......
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Minneapolis!!!!!!!! :)

Mike and I! look at us and our beautiful smiles!

This kid in the airport watching the Brady bunch on his laptop! If that kid had a myspace he'd
so be on my TOP!

Jeveie and Kennedy, are wanted BY THE CREEPY STALKER KID!
(these are their disguises! And if I do say so myself, I'm feeling
the start of a brand new fashion revolution!)

Sarah and I showing off our mad spoon holding skills!

Mike and his refreshing lemonade! :)

Sarah and I looking as fancy as a possum in a
purple barn on Tuesday (which we all know is pretty dang fancy!)!

Grown up menus! Congrats Mike and Richie!

Michael and Richie, straight up chillen!

Michael eating his burger!

All of us being wet after the log rides at nickelodeon universe!

Kenny, Sarah and jevie in the log ride!

Look at us rocking that log! Sorry the pictures fuzzy, I took it off the monitor!
There's NO STINKING way i'm paying 14 bucks a picture!

Me, sarah and Richie!

Mikes and Richie in the Fairly odd parents ride!

Us girls, well besides Michael, HAHA HA JUST KIDDING! iN THE SUBWAY!

Mike towering over me like a god in the clouds, minus
the clouds and well, the god part. :)

The evil building Blinding us! those dang building jerks just have to go building
giant buildings that reflect the suns beautiful ultraviolet rays into my precious maddie eyes!

see that sticker, it speaks the truth!

Sarah's mouth! Look at those PURRLY whites! (hehehehe i sounded like a kitty)

Us thinking about the score!

Oh, nothing is better than cuzinly love!

Look it's me and some strange girl with a mustache, she should join


THE STADIUM! (Finny (my personal typist) puts things in all
caps to express the excitement in my voice as I sit here watching Icarly!

My future occupation, once I quit the whole rock star, award winning actress, telephone operator, world class possum farmer, and gazillionaire thing.... :)

Yay! Baseball time!

Kenny, Jeven, and I! MY hair looks fake in this picture..... Kinda like finnys! (finny gives maddie evil glare through her glasses)

Sarah and Michael on the subway (and no I don't mean the sammich shop!

On our balcony........ spitting!

Jeven and Mike!

Look at my little shopper cuzin!

The one of many pictures we took in the itunes store!

BEST STORE IN THE WHOLE MALL (and it's a very very very big mall!)


Me, sarah and mike on the comfy and smelly chair in hollister!

Michael in the perfume reeking chair!

Look! Sarah found the clearence rack! $79! WHAT A BARGAIN!

Us at the game! Looking somewhat cool!

(my mad photography skills) Us in front of the lego
robot man dude thing!

Mall of AMURICA!

that was quite the elevator ride!

those Embassy suite elevator rides.......... TWO THUMBS UP!

Beautiful wallpaper background, but I guess we're kinda beautiful too!
Those days were filled with Piggy back rides, de-activated room keys, dead girls dragged on water slides, creepy stalkers (DTH), falling in the subways, hunting for twins shirts, getting mirror maze stickers, Riding on logs, Coughing like seals, getting pelted with ice cubes, making bears for beloved grandmother, watching puppy videos, screaming at lighting, and spiders, saying nom nom nom, taking pictures in the apple store, watching a BOSE video, dropping 5 dollar bills, jumping in elevators, playing cards, breaking my necklace, jeven looking for her necklace, slapping eachother with our hair, "approving" eachothers friends, making pyramids in the water, being blinded by buildings, eating kettle corn, waking up to late for breakfast, eating gross jelly beans, hiding on stairs, beating eachother up (kindly) strange high fives, meeting pac sun workers, and nerdy game stop people, shopping in abercrombie, sarah cleaning my teeth, screaming our heads off on the family ride, talikng to melissa, having people look at us strangley, eating popcorn and mixing sodas, and I couldn't have asked for a better time! I want to thank everyone INCLUDING MY GREAT (who's also very great) GRANDMA for such a great time and for a very happy 90th birthday! I love yall and hope to see you very soon! It wouldn't have been the awesomest possumest trip ever without all yall! So give yourselves pats on the back!
Much much much maddie love,