Ello to all my fellow bloggers and blog readers out there! This is my blog (as if you didn't know) Where I write about what's going on in my awesome possum life, or what's on my little maddie mind. I wouldn't say It's your ordinary blog, but who needs to be ordinary in a world as cool as this?! So sit back in that snazzy swivel chair of yours and check it out, you won't be dissapointed!

Sunday, August 30, 2009
Salads,Nicknames, and Mad Jeep Drivers!
Hey guys what's up! Really? That's awesome! OK now my turn! Well today is Sunday and my very boring weekend has come to a very boring ending. (how exciting) Well this week held some excitement, so I guess that makes up for the weekend. Well on Wednesday, as I was going to the bus stop I saw this angry jeep driver. But most people tend to be mad when there riding in jeeps on Wednesday, so I just assumed it was perfectly normal. But when I got there a whole bunch of my bus buddies were laughing and yelling "run" to this one kid (who shall remain nameless) as he ran away. So I asked my bus buddies what was going on and they said that the kid (who shall still remain nameless) threw a rock at the jeep and made the jeep man very mad. OK, Yes it was wrong but it was FUNNY!!!!! So Wednesday morning was awesome, as all Wednesday mornings should be. Thursday lunch was jam packed with awesomeness, because when me and my friend Abbie went to go get our food we saw this teacher with a HUGE BOWL OF SALAD!!!!!! The bowl was the kind of bowl you would use it mix cookie dough or something! And throughout lunch time the lady walked around and ate her huge bowl of salad, eating it away like a starving butterfly. It was one of the funniest things ever! (even funnier than waffles on a grill) (which as we all know is pretty funny) Oh And my brand new bus driver (me yaying in the background) Got my name all screwed up! On my bus seat it says Maddie Wheeler, which is quite fun to say but isn't my name so I'm kind of confused about where I'm supposed to sit. Anyways, now all my bus buddies call me waffle, or Maddie wheeler, which, personally is fine with me, I think a new 2 last names makes me sound more awesome (If that's even possible) (but we all know that my awesomeness is at the maximum level of awesomness, I mean the only person that could beat me is the muffin man). I can't really think of anything else at the moment so at this I will leave you alone on your computer, with nothing better to do than comment on this post, which I highly suggest you do! PEACE,EDWELLA,LOVE,AND SMILEYS =D =) =P =l
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
My bus driver
OK yes, I finally have a theory as to what happened to the evil bus driver last year (I'm pretty sure you've all heard of the fried chicken incident and so on) As I recall last year I was telling my evil twin (Maddie, she looks a lot like me but don't be fooled) about how evil the bus driver is and I remember Maddie (my evil twin) getting really mad because she said she's the only one who can be evil! And shortly after that, she disappeared for about 16 hours and came back saying "you won't have to deal with her anymore!" And I guess I got so excited about it that I didn't even bother to ask her until this morning when we were eating our waffles for breakfast. She told be that she headed down to Florida, with the bus driver. I shrugged and shoved another mouthful of waffle into my face then she continued on. She spoke loudly to make sure I heard what she was saying while I crunched and munched and ate my waffle. She said that NASA just happened to be launching that day, I gasped and dropped my fork (even though we all know quite well I wasn't using it) I started picturing it in my mind and then maddie said I don't have to because she took pictures and posted them all over the Internet so I would like to show them to you! PEACE,EDWELLA,LOVE,AND SMILEYS =D =) =P =l

That's the bus driver on the rocket!

That's her well actually that's Maddie watching safely in a space suit while the bus driver is "tanning" on the sun!

OH no a solar flare! Don't you just love the look on her face?

The solar flare sent her to Pluto, I guess she forgot to wear a jacket and froze!

See that dot? That's the bus driver "exploring" a black hole

These are my martain buddies and while on vacation they stopped at a restaurant and sent me this picture (they finally fixed the Internet problem there!) Silly bob and Howie stuck out there tongues to get a taste of the dinner, strange how the person on the stick looks just like the bus driver!
Well guys It looks like the bus driver had quite a trip, she must have had so much fun in space she decided she would rather be an astronaut then a bus driver, YAY!!!!!!!!!

That's the bus driver on the rocket!

That's her well actually that's Maddie watching safely in a space suit while the bus driver is "tanning" on the sun!

OH no a solar flare! Don't you just love the look on her face?

The solar flare sent her to Pluto, I guess she forgot to wear a jacket and froze!

See that dot? That's the bus driver "exploring" a black hole

These are my martain buddies and while on vacation they stopped at a restaurant and sent me this picture (they finally fixed the Internet problem there!) Silly bob and Howie stuck out there tongues to get a taste of the dinner, strange how the person on the stick looks just like the bus driver!
Well guys It looks like the bus driver had quite a trip, she must have had so much fun in space she decided she would rather be an astronaut then a bus driver, YAY!!!!!!!!!
Friday, August 21, 2009
School (a place that is spelt with 2 O's)
Ello British people eating scones and sipping tea, I welcome you to my blog where you will read about my awesome possum life! As for the non-British people, um hi! Well seventh grade has started to lighten up, other than the fact I now have to learn to count to seven! (Yay) As most of you know I tried out for the volleyball team this week. After 5 minutes of practice, 7 bad serves, and a motivational speech from the kindergartners (aka my homies, we go way back man I mean every Sunday we get together and watch a winnie the pooh marathon then go to chucky cheese for pizza!) I managed to not make the team. However, a blind person could have predicted that! But a couple days ago when I was walking along the isles of the sock store I realized what my true talent was!!!!!!!!!! I'm gonna be a professional sock pairer, (other than the fact I don't EVER wear matching socks) But I don't see a problem I mean come on it can't be that hard!!!!!!!! Well today, in language arts to be exact, we had to write a story, not a long one but something long enough and so I decided to write about my 2 favorite subjects, elves and waffles!!!!!!!!! It was an absolute master piece!!!! However it's highly confidential and only martains(and possi, the plural of possum)can see. But I will share the highlights of the story. It's about Me, watching TV when all of a sudden a huge stack of waffles appears and then the unexpected happens THERE'S NO SYRUP!!!!!!!!!!! Oh no, I've said to much, I have to go before the martains come from Pluto (they're on vacation) to arrest me. In case I don't get to write another post I want to give my cat to Donald trump, someone please remind him that felines are your friends! Over and out, (ha ha I sound like a pro spy) secret agent BOB aka Maddie PEACE,EDWELLA,LOVE,AND SMILEYS =D =) =P =l
Friday, August 14, 2009
Hey Guys!!!!!!!!! Or girls or gals or whatever!!!!!!!! HI! So The first week of school is over, and sadly, for me, this was not a fun week! I miss 6th grade a lot because my teachers were awesome and my teachers this year are very strange!!!!! My math teacher is WAY TO NICE it just bothers me because she uses this high pitched voice all the time!!!!!!!!!!! And my science teacher is kina mean but he talks like buz lightyear!!!!!! My socail studies teacher told us she does have anger problems and It certainly showed this week!!!!! On the bright side I like my language arts teacher!!!!!OMG I ALMOST FORGOT THE BEST NEWS EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE EVIL BUS DRIVER IS GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Yay yay yay a million times yay!) Now we have this guy who wears glasses and doesn't care about fried chicken Hopefully, things will start looking up!!!!! But me and my friend abbie drew these pictures of our friends and I wanted to show them to you!!!!!!!PEACE,EDWELLA,LOVE,AND SMILEYS =D =) =P =l

This is me and my friends playing basketball but you might want to click on it so you can see it better! I am also mad because this picture looked exactly like the school and over summer they put a white line across the wall!!!!!!!! I think they did it on perpose, I mean as payback for making the whole school believe that cows migrate!!!!!!!!!!! Now thanks to me I've convinced the entire 7th grade that cows really do migrate!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is Abbie's picture and the bear is a bear named phillipe and Me and my friends made him and he's the most amazing mexican named bear in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The rest are all my friends playing basketball (because at our school that's what all the coolish people do, I think!)
Ok well my toe is tingling which means it's time to feed the possums!!!!!! Better go before they eat through the trailer!!!!!!
Hey guys OK it's Friday night and I finally had to to blog so between my volleyball boot camp (I'm trying out for volleyball) and homework I really had no time! I'm going to start with my trip to Montana because I finally got the pictures! A couple weeks ago, I went to Montana to visit my grandparents and had such an oh-so fun time with them. But to add to the oh so funess my cousin Jeven and uncle Steve were there as well! We had so much fun, grandma taught us to make rolls and buns (we all know I have no interest in baking because I would rather spend my time playing with my pet rock or poking elves) But I actually had a really awesome opossum time! The second day we went rafting and had yet another awesome opossum time (but it was awesomer) If any of you saw me in north Dakota this summer you would know that I use an abnormal amount of bug spray so on the river I was like one of those bug fan things! My grandma's boss, Tim, took us to the river and so with that I say THANK YOU TIM!!!!!!! he he OK the water was cold (I could have sworn there was ice cubes floating around) But it was so cool! We rafted like real Montana river rats (but I don't understand why rats would like cold water, they seemed like high class animals!) We even got to jump off a cliff (one of my favorite things to do)! It was a total blast! On the third day we went horseback riding and got to ride on my 110th favorite animal A PONEY!!!!!!!! (I don't know why but I just love saying that, PONEY, PONEY PONEY, PONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!) Yay! It was a 2 hour ride and we got to see the river and go up a moutain (which as scary because my horsie/poney slipped) but we had an awesome time!!!!!!!!! On the fourth day we went fishing, and I have to say that was quite an experience!!!! Jeven caught 7 fish, Kennedy caught 7 fish and I, my awesome self caught a whopping total of 2 fish! (please hold for the applause) We spent a good couple hours there, but had a ton of fun, we even saw a moose!!!!!! Well after our 3 days of non-stop fun I was pretty tired! I want to thank my grandma and grandpa for all the fun, it was such a wonderful trip and I have a lot of memories from it!!!!!!!!! Well enough with all these words I suppose you want to see the pictures! PEACE,EDWELLA,LOVE,AND SMILEYS =D =) =P =l

me and kennedy kneading the dough

me jumping off the cliff YAY!
Ok well I'm going to sign off for now but I will be posting agin since my blog is fixed, I hope all of you had a wonderful friday full of awesome opossum funness and smiley faces with mustaches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't forget to comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

me and kennedy kneading the dough

me jumping off the cliff YAY!
Ok well I'm going to sign off for now but I will be posting agin since my blog is fixed, I hope all of you had a wonderful friday full of awesome opossum funness and smiley faces with mustaches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't forget to comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Blog troubles!
Hey guys, so sorry I haven't posted in a while Blogger wouldn't let me sign in, so I had to contact them and get them to fix it so I could log on! Well now I'm back and I'm sorry for the inconvinence! Ok well as many of you know I've been on vaction, I went to monatana and just today got back from mexico! (I'll post the pictures when I can) Anyways tomarrow is the first day of school and I'm super excited, I don't have a lot of time right now but I'll update you as soon as possible!!!!PEACE,EDWELLA,LOVE,AND SMILEYS =D =) =P =l
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