Ello bloggers! You may be wondering why I'm typing in a British accent, and the reason why is......... HARRY POTTER COMES OUT THIS WEEK, i think, if not I'm mad! OK moving on, On Thursday, I went to the Demi lovato and David Archuleta concert! My friend, Kayleigh's (who's mom was my 1st and 3rd grade teacher) Aunt works for a radio station and got us tickets along with passes for the meet and greet, In other words I MET DEMI LOVATO!!!!!!!!! It was SO COOL!!!!! We had to stand in this coldish room (even though I was sweating) and when she walked in the room I was freaking out (not majorly but just enough) (probably why they keep the rooms cold) It was really cool to watch her when we were waiting in line, we took so many pictures we probably blinded her, but who cares if she falls on stage, at least I got my pictures!!!!!!!!!! When it was my turn I was jumping up and down (I had my crazy pants on) And demi said hi, then I told her she looked really familiar, then she laughed, then I gave her my gum, (OK It was a full packet of gum, and none of it was chewed, and you should be proud, because I usually just give people the gum in my mouth) Anyways, I told her the gum was from a magical elf, then she laughed again (demi lovato laughs a lot) then we took a picture and I left. But kennedy also gave her gum and right as she did, she turned to me and went, Let me guess, it's from the elf's and I started laughing (it was funny). After that we went to our seats (ROW 8) and I almost fainted, the stage was maybe 2 yards away??????????? It was the closest I've ever been at a concert (i bet you noted that from my excitement huh!) When david archuleta came out he sang like 6 songs (i only knew 3) but it was awesome, we stood by the stage and He touched my hand!!!!!!!! It was sooooooooooooooooooooooo AWESOME! And then of course demi comes out, and there was no room by the stage so we had to go back to our seats, but it was still a pretty good view!!!!!!! It was so cute, she picked this little girl from the audience to sing "this is me" on stage with her! I was dancing and singing the whole time, but I still got a lot of pictures! i WANT TO SAY THANKS TO MRS.B, AND KAYLIEGH FOR INVITING ME AND KENNEDY! YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!!!!!!! PEACE,EDWELLA,LOVE,AND SMILEYS =D =) =P =l
Me and Ms. Demi Lovato

Kennedy and Demi

Kennedy,me,Kayleigh, and Brittnay
(another one of my friends that went to the concert)

Demi and some random dude

David archuleta singing

This is another band called KSM, they have a song
that's the theme song for a show on abc family
called ten things I hate about you.
David singing, I love this picture it looks so cool!

David again! I like this one because you can see how close we were!

Demi singing La la land

Demi again!

She looks like she glowing Ha ha!
Demi in this really cool dress!
The stage was really detailed lol
Here's demi singing So far so great! She was awesome!
Ok well that just about covers eveything, Once again thanks to Kayleigh and Mrs.B for inviting us !!!!!!!!!!!