Ello to all my fellow bloggers and blog readers out there! This is my blog (as if you didn't know) Where I write about what's going on in my awesome possum life, or what's on my little maddie mind. I wouldn't say It's your ordinary blog, but who needs to be ordinary in a world as cool as this?! So sit back in that snazzy swivel chair of yours and check it out, you won't be dissapointed!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Well, I've had a fun weekand hanging out with my cousin aunt and uncle!!! We went shopping (wich I strangley enjoyed) and JUMPED ON THE TRAMPOLINE!!!!!! Jeven (my cousin) absolutley LOVED it. I mean she seriously jumped more than she slept! I wouldn't be suprised if she dreamed about jumping on the trampoline........AKWARD!! But who am I to judge jeven's dreams!! For all I know, She could have had one of those dreams where your at school and forgot to put on pants and everyone's laughing at you in your underwear! But hey I don't really want to know what cuzin' jeven dreams about!! But let me tell you, My aunt Jen made THE BEST COOKIES EVER!!! I probably ate like 20 on Saturday, I guess i'm gonna end up looking like that Inflatable snowman in the old man's yard down the street. And hopefully that you all relize it's not my fault for eating all those cookies, Please blame thier dog teddy for making me give all my burritos to the space aliens that were visiting. I mean what elese am I supposed to eat? FRUIT??? I don't think so!!!! I had a lot of hanging out with my family and i really missed them.(not really) (JK) I guess you could say i had a very fun, Burrito-free weekand!! PEACE,EDWELLA,LOVE,AND SMILEYS =D =) =P =l

My aunt jen, jeven, and uncle steve!!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Ok well my cousin jeven, my aunt jen, and uncle steve are comming to arizona!!!! They should be here in a little bit just about 20 minutes, I hope they don't get in a camel crash!? Ok that was really random considering they're driving and not riding camels. In my book thats a good thing cuz ur butt can start to hurt if your riding on one!! Anyways I'm sooo excited And i want them to ring the doorbell so i can see if they brought a camel with them for christmas! I hope they did because i suddenly have a wanting for a camel! I mean why not!? You don't have to give them water everyday and he can take me to school to get me away from the evil BUS DRIVER!!!!!!! But the question is where would i park him??? The bike rack states That by law you cannot park Animals within 2 feet of the bikes!!! Oh well, MAYBE SANTA WILL BRING ME A CAMMEL!!!! I hope so and maybe an elf to clean up his "buisness" Anyways ......PEACE,EDWELLA,LOVE,AND SMILEYS =D =) =P =l
ME with a Cammel!!!!!!!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Football and music (ooooohhh ahhhh)
OK well it was friday and i guess you could say i'm glad that the week's over!!! It was one of those "get over now before i decide to fall asleep until it's over weeks"But today was the best part because for one, It was my homeroom teacher Mrs.Rosenblum's birthday!!! So we watched the old version of bridger to terrabithia. I have to say i like the one with josh hutcherson better!!! And after 2 tests i'm glad to say it's over!! After school I went to kenny's "concert" if you can even call it that...... It was a whole bunch of 5th graders blowing into a recorder pretending their the most talented person in the word. And sad to say Kennedy (my sister) was one of those THINGS.....ok fine i'll call them 5th graders. After an hour of pure torture i went to a football game for tim's son zack. He ended up winning!!!!! WAHOOOOOO!!!! GO HAMILTON!!!!!!! And then i just kinda came home and came on my blog.......Well, i hope yall had super awsome totally cool fridayz!!! PEACE,EDWELLA,LOVE,AND SMILEYS =D =) =P =l
Monday, December 8, 2008
Monday? =)
Ok i hope yall had a great weekand!!! Well I know i did because it was boring! And boring weekands just scream "fun" don't they? Well today was monday and i had to go to the place people and magical wizards (like my friend katie) call school. It was boring AS USUAL but it kept me entertained!!!! I have to say that science was pretty fun because we had to poke holes in soda liters and the soda squirted all over me and my lab group!! (who's names aren't mentioned because they aren't cool enough to be mentioned in my blog) So now i have a sticky shirt thats waiting to be washed!!! (bet my dad will have fun getting that stain out!) Oh and i found the coolest picture of a kangaroo for my project in Language arts i managed to find it again so here it is!!!PEACE,EDWELLA,LOVE,AND SMILEYS =D =) =P =l
Ok here it is who knew a kangaroo looked so much like a
stuffed animal dog????
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Ok i hope everyone thanksgiving was superdy-DUPER!!!! And if not then you can send me a sob story thats a million pages long if u like, though i prefer that you don't. So think of others and don't send me one. I mean it's kind of selfish for you to make me sit there and read it when i could be eating a corn dog or doing something with my valuable time. So............... moving on to other subjects, i did a very evil thing today!!!! And i think u wanna know wat it is so i'll tell u. I Told MY FRIEND HER SHOES WERE UNTIED BUT THEY WERN'T!!!!!! I feel like a traitor but it was funny cuz she looked down and then she gave me the same look my cat gives me when he hasn't eaten in a really long time (i'm talking months)... so then i just stood there for a long time (a second) and then she said those dreadful words "MADDIE I DON'T HAVE SHOELACES" after that i felt like and idoit so then i went and tripped the wimpy little kid toto but he has 4 legs so it's really hard!!!! Anyways that's wat happened now go drink some MILK!!!!!!!!

toto the wimpy kid with 4 legs!!!

toto the wimpy kid with 4 legs!!!
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