Ello to all my fellow bloggers and blog readers out there! This is my blog (as if you didn't know) Where I write about what's going on in my awesome possum life, or what's on my little maddie mind. I wouldn't say It's your ordinary blog, but who needs to be ordinary in a world as cool as this?! So sit back in that snazzy swivel chair of yours and check it out, you won't be dissapointed!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Well, I've had a fun weekand hanging out with my cousin aunt and uncle!!! We went shopping (wich I strangley enjoyed) and JUMPED ON THE TRAMPOLINE!!!!!! Jeven (my cousin) absolutley LOVED it. I mean she seriously jumped more than she slept! I wouldn't be suprised if she dreamed about jumping on the trampoline........AKWARD!! But who am I to judge jeven's dreams!! For all I know, She could have had one of those dreams where your at school and forgot to put on pants and everyone's laughing at you in your underwear! But hey I don't really want to know what cuzin' jeven dreams about!! But let me tell you, My aunt Jen made THE BEST COOKIES EVER!!! I probably ate like 20 on Saturday, I guess i'm gonna end up looking like that Inflatable snowman in the old man's yard down the street. And hopefully that you all relize it's not my fault for eating all those cookies, Please blame thier dog teddy for making me give all my burritos to the space aliens that were visiting. I mean what elese am I supposed to eat? FRUIT??? I don't think so!!!! I had a lot of hanging out with my family and i really missed them.(not really) (JK) I guess you could say i had a very fun, Burrito-free weekand!! PEACE,EDWELLA,LOVE,AND SMILEYS =D =) =P =l

My aunt jen, jeven, and uncle steve!!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Ok well my cousin jeven, my aunt jen, and uncle steve are comming to arizona!!!! They should be here in a little bit just about 20 minutes, I hope they don't get in a camel crash!? Ok that was really random considering they're driving and not riding camels. In my book thats a good thing cuz ur butt can start to hurt if your riding on one!! Anyways I'm sooo excited And i want them to ring the doorbell so i can see if they brought a camel with them for christmas! I hope they did because i suddenly have a wanting for a camel! I mean why not!? You don't have to give them water everyday and he can take me to school to get me away from the evil BUS DRIVER!!!!!!! But the question is where would i park him??? The bike rack states That by law you cannot park Animals within 2 feet of the bikes!!! Oh well, MAYBE SANTA WILL BRING ME A CAMMEL!!!! I hope so and maybe an elf to clean up his "buisness" Anyways ......PEACE,EDWELLA,LOVE,AND SMILEYS =D =) =P =l
ME with a Cammel!!!!!!!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Football and music (ooooohhh ahhhh)
OK well it was friday and i guess you could say i'm glad that the week's over!!! It was one of those "get over now before i decide to fall asleep until it's over weeks"But today was the best part because for one, It was my homeroom teacher Mrs.Rosenblum's birthday!!! So we watched the old version of bridger to terrabithia. I have to say i like the one with josh hutcherson better!!! And after 2 tests i'm glad to say it's over!! After school I went to kenny's "concert" if you can even call it that...... It was a whole bunch of 5th graders blowing into a recorder pretending their the most talented person in the word. And sad to say Kennedy (my sister) was one of those THINGS.....ok fine i'll call them 5th graders. After an hour of pure torture i went to a football game for tim's son zack. He ended up winning!!!!! WAHOOOOOO!!!! GO HAMILTON!!!!!!! And then i just kinda came home and came on my blog.......Well, i hope yall had super awsome totally cool fridayz!!! PEACE,EDWELLA,LOVE,AND SMILEYS =D =) =P =l
Monday, December 8, 2008
Monday? =)
Ok i hope yall had a great weekand!!! Well I know i did because it was boring! And boring weekands just scream "fun" don't they? Well today was monday and i had to go to the place people and magical wizards (like my friend katie) call school. It was boring AS USUAL but it kept me entertained!!!! I have to say that science was pretty fun because we had to poke holes in soda liters and the soda squirted all over me and my lab group!! (who's names aren't mentioned because they aren't cool enough to be mentioned in my blog) So now i have a sticky shirt thats waiting to be washed!!! (bet my dad will have fun getting that stain out!) Oh and i found the coolest picture of a kangaroo for my project in Language arts i managed to find it again so here it is!!!PEACE,EDWELLA,LOVE,AND SMILEYS =D =) =P =l
Ok here it is who knew a kangaroo looked so much like a
stuffed animal dog????
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Ok i hope everyone thanksgiving was superdy-DUPER!!!! And if not then you can send me a sob story thats a million pages long if u like, though i prefer that you don't. So think of others and don't send me one. I mean it's kind of selfish for you to make me sit there and read it when i could be eating a corn dog or doing something with my valuable time. So............... moving on to other subjects, i did a very evil thing today!!!! And i think u wanna know wat it is so i'll tell u. I Told MY FRIEND HER SHOES WERE UNTIED BUT THEY WERN'T!!!!!! I feel like a traitor but it was funny cuz she looked down and then she gave me the same look my cat gives me when he hasn't eaten in a really long time (i'm talking months)... so then i just stood there for a long time (a second) and then she said those dreadful words "MADDIE I DON'T HAVE SHOELACES" after that i felt like and idoit so then i went and tripped the wimpy little kid toto but he has 4 legs so it's really hard!!!! Anyways that's wat happened now go drink some MILK!!!!!!!!

toto the wimpy kid with 4 legs!!!

toto the wimpy kid with 4 legs!!!
Friday, November 28, 2008
My awsome thanksgiving weekand
I know all my adoring blog fans would just love to hear about......... My thanksgiving!!!! Like every year, I always get up early and hop on my private jet to go to italy for a gormet meal, shopping, and of course i end up seeing one of my good friends! Well, on this paticular trip i saw my awsome friend OPRAH who had just come back from shooting her new movie Oprah The evil zombie 2! And guess who was sitting next to her at the restraunt, Rachel ray!!! We had so much fun talking about our tv shows and what not! I managed to squeze into the picture... and it was even in an awsome magazine!!!! so yeah, just a typical thanksgiving for me!
Oprah,rachel and me eating our gormet meals in Italy!

There's us featured in an upcomming issue of Best friends Mag!
i just love their photographer, he always gets my good side!

Oprah,rachel and me eating our gormet meals in Italy!

There's us featured in an upcomming issue of Best friends Mag!
i just love their photographer, he always gets my good side!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
ok so it's wendsday and i love wensdays cuz they always turn out to by "blah" days so here i am typing anyways i have no school tomarrow, wich i have to say i enjoy very much. AND it was rainy wich are the funnest (because water falls from the sky) and my bus driver is cranky, wich makes it all the more fun on the bus! Once she yelled at me for talking and then i got to question her why it was bad behavior. So then we're left with writing help on the windows with our erasers or stick signs to the windows saying "help us ". I dunno why but one time my naighbor joeseph had gum and the bus driver said she found gum wrappers under his seat, but the thing was he has the knid of gum that had like 100 pieces in the conatiner they come in WITHOUT WRAPPERS!!! and when he was going to show her she said "i don't want to see it" and the she wrote him up! But my favorite was the time when she said she found chicken bones under my seat and i got into a 10 minute argument with her on how i DIDN'T EAT FRIED CHICKEN ON THE BUS!!!! Seriously why would someone eat fried chicken on the bus?? So as you can see rainy days are really funny! We always want to see what crazy thing she'll blame us for next! As you can see rainy days are the best days to tick off your bus driver!!!! PEACE, evil bus drivers, EDWELLA,LOVE,AND SMILEYS =D =) =P =l
Monday, November 24, 2008
twilight review???!!!! I HEART EDWELLA
Ok so i saw twilight twice......... I'M NOT OBSESSED!!!!!!! ok well i guess i am it was sooooooo awsome the acting kinda sucked but edward was awsome so it didn't really matter!! Bella was played by kritsen stewart who wasn't the worlds best bella but she was very bella like. AND EDWARD was played by Robert pattingson who stared in HARRY POTTER a few movies back in the goblet of fire. And kristen was in the movie ZATHURA so at least i knew the actors!!! anyways i'm on eclipse the 3rd book and i am just lovin it sooooo much!!!! I hope my cuz jeven is reading it and if not my aunt jen!!!! well i am turning out to be a big twilight fan!!! By the way movie new moon will be out this summer I CAN'T WAIT but for now.......PEACE,LOVE,edwella,AND SMILEYS =D =) =P =l
Friday, November 21, 2008
Tonight at exactly 7:45 i will see twilight and i just can't wait, i'm sooooo excited!!!!! i read the book and loved it (almost as much as i love my cat) I'm thinking of couple names right now it's between Edwella and Belward i like edwella better!!! i'm sooo happy ok well i'll tell you my review for the movie soon but for now i think i'll stop jumping up and down!!! 

Sunday, November 16, 2008
ARE YOU READY??????????????
Ok people i wanted to do somthing fun so i thought and slept and watched icarly and then it hit me!!!!! It hurt when it did but it's the coolest thing for all my blog buddies. I'm doing an internet scavenger hunt!!! Now find pictures of the items below and email me at madisenv@cox.net and the first person to have all the pictures of what i requested will win an awsome prize. (picture shown below)
ok here are the items.......
1. pizza
2. monkey holding a banna
3. a banna phone
4. a peace sign
5. a dog on a trampoline
good luck i hope you win the prize!!!!
the oh-so-awsome prize is a crumbled chip bag!!!
ok here are the items.......
1. pizza
2. monkey holding a banna
3. a banna phone
4. a peace sign
5. a dog on a trampoline
good luck i hope you win the prize!!!!
the oh-so-awsome prize is a crumbled chip bag!!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
another Blah like day
As some have noticed wich only the people who check my blog may notice if you notice that my blogs name is The Weekly blahs of maddie. Any way today was a blah day meaning "it was a good day and sure i may feel the need to tell you about it if i feel like typing." Well it's your lucky day because somehow the computer called my name saying "maddie update your blog" and someone told me the computer knows everything so i didn't argue because it must have know my weekness of not going on the computer. So i will now proceed to tell you about my day. So Wahooooo!! it's wensday so i get out of school early wich is nice (yeah it is, no really it is)!!! so i went outside to play football with my dad when my naighbor jake (who is sometimes awsome because Monday he only said hi to me once so that makes him sometimes awsome) came and played too. I spent most of the time blocking him and of course he still got a touchdown. But i have to admit he is a better player than me. so thats what happened and now enjoy a picture of a peguin eating ice cream!!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
as most know it's veterans day!!! wich means NO SCHOOL!!!!but that shouldn't be the only reason to celebrate beacuse eventhough we are thankful for no school, we should thank them for fighting for our rights. so today take time to turn off the computer and tv and have a moment of silence,or call and thank family,friends, and naighbors who fought for our country.
OK well not to long ago the channel 5 road show came to my school and we had so much fun here's the video link. Just click on the first video and thats us it should say KYRENE APRENDE!!! it's hard to see me but im in the back next to the girl in the blue jacket (thats skylar) anyways check it out send it to people who enjoy random kids waving in science class. PEACE,LOVE,AND SMILEYS =D =) =P =lhttp://www.kpho.com/wxroadshow/index.html
Thursday, October 23, 2008
An interseting day in pe..... =D
sorry to all my adoring blog fans that i haven't updated i have that thing called school. Wich speaking of i got my report card!!! (yes it was a sad day for most) but i got awesome grades wich i'm super proud of. If u didn't know i am in advanced math and languge arts wich is challenging but totally worth it. WHY??? CUZ I'M ALWAYS AT STEP AHEAD. And speaking more of school, today in pysical education we were playing football my coach (Mr.snyder whos super fun and cool) told me to come up and be reciver and my friend teryn to be quarterback. when teryn passed the ball to me i ran and then when i thought i looked professional, I FELL ON MY FACE!!! and this was in front of the entire 6th grade. By that point i was laughing as i ran until i made a touchdown!! so i guess you could say i put on quite a show in pe today!!!

Sunday, October 19, 2008
friday was the school dance at my oh shoot wats the name of the place you learn to do stuff? mall? movies? park? oh wait it's school! so yeah i had to go back to school at night! Can ou belive that i mean seriously i already go all day!!! but i went anyways and it turned out to be fun! there was music (wich isn't normal) and lots of kids. it was really fun dancing around and eating junk food! my friends went really crazy and drank like 7 sodas! wich was strangley amusing. But me and my friends formed a konga line that was huge! LIKE EVERYONE FROM MY ELEMENTRY SCHOOL FORMED IT!!! anyway it was a pleasnt evening and it was super fun!!!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
a weekand of concerts,walking, and (sadly) no tv!

this weekand i was suprised that i never found myself watching tv all day! Which is kinda frightning. it started off seeing nick and norah infanite playlist and after seeing it i will never chew gum again!(you have to see it to get what i mean about the gum) BUT SATURDAY WAS THE MOST FUN EVER!!!!!! saturday i did the race for the cure wich was 3.5 miles (wich i walked) and i finished in like an hour. but after that i put on my jacket because i went and sawTHE JONAS BROTHERS AND DEMI LOVATO ON ICE WITH KIRSTI YAMAGUCHI!!!! it was soooooo fun! the jonas brothers rocked (of course) and so did demi lovato! it was awsome to see the jonas brothers in concert (again) but also with demi lovato!!!!! anyways it's going to be on abc sometime in 2 weeks maybe i'll see myself! so don't forget to watch it!!!!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
ok yesterday was cool, but today was cooler. today scored a 71/2 on the awsomeness meter because i was hanging out with my friend kayliegh!! we went to starbucks, and circut city where we got cds, pretty awsome right. she got a METROSTATION cd wich is pretty awsome and i got a paramore cd wich is better sorry kayliegh but i totally beat you on the awsomest cd meter. ANYWAYS..... then we played the cds outside while we skateboared. kayliegh is ok but i was the first of both of us to land the kickflip, wich is hard!!!!!! after that i just kinda got bored............. tomarrow better be awsome........ OR ELSE!!!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
my evil twin at war........
ok i've been sick of my evil twin maddie she's been on my nerves lately, i mean common do you really think i would try to blow up my middle school? ANYWAYS..... she has some anger issues, that she hasn't recived any help with. so today i told her about pearl harbor and how there were bombs involved. and guess what, IT WAS A BAD IDEA!!! because somehow she got her hands on an atomic bomb and she's threatning to blow up every stor that sells propeller hats. for some reason she hates them!! anyway she's on the loose and she's loaded with weapons so watch out and hide your propeller hats for all that is good!!!! i have to go because she is now high jacking a plane........
Friday, October 3, 2008
ok it's fall break finally! so hows middle school? IT'S INTERESTING.... the people or should i say under cover aliens,YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE! have been super awsome and enjoy my weird ways! i had so much fun this quarter and can't wait for the next! PEACE,LOVE,AND SMILEYS =D =) =P
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
as most of you know me and my cuzin sarah made a bet to see how many hobos we could see in a day... and we both didn't spot one! apparently hobo's are a rare spieces!! so i have a new bet for sarah.... how many martains will say hi to me or sarah. I GOT THIS ONE ALL RIGHT SARAH YOUR GOING DOWN!!!! but, if yall have any ideas for a bet post a comment! because then i will read it...... HURRY UP I HAVE TO PEE........... OK I CAN'T WAIT JUST PROMISE ME YOU'LL DO IT............... DO IT!!!!! PEACE,LOVE,AND SMILEYS TO ALL but only if you do it! =D
my BUSY weekend
this weekend i went to my neighbors house for her 8th birthday and man it was awsome! there was a show poolside and performing were the jonas brothers with specail guest demi lovato!!! it was soo cool! i got there autographs and everything and then we took the jonas brothers private jet to california for a concert, wich amber, and all of her birthday guests (drew, sirria,brooke,kennedy,and myself) where we preformed this is me, buring up, and get back. After the concert we flew in a heliocopter to a cruise ship to watch the primire of the suite life on deck and hung out with dylan,cole,brenda, and debby ryan!!! what can i say, amber is the best party thrower in the world! i wonder what her sweet 16 will be like!!!!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
me and sarah make a bet....
me and my cousin sarah made a BET!! we were on the phone and we decided what our bet was and here it is (drumroll in the backround) OUR BET WAS TO SEE HOW MANY HOBOS WE COULD FIND IN ONE DAY!!!!!! i don't know if i'll even see a hobo tomorrow but i better because if i don't then....... I LOSE!=( and that can't happen so wish me luck!!!! blow is a pic of my cousin sarah=D

Sunday, September 21, 2008
BAD NEWS. THE WORST NEWS EVER!!!!!! my evil twin is staying with me (against my will) this morning she brushed her teeth with MY toothbrush then went downstairs and ate MY breakfast!!!! THIS IS GOING TO BE A BAD DAY (i can feel it in my big toe) It's a good thing nasa isn't launching today...............
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